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FrozenGate by Avery

Bright Ideas and thoughts of the day.

I can't go to the store without having to dodge people with their face stuck in their cell phone.

Now Elon Musk is working on a human brain-computer interface which could be very useful, however imagine a VR headset/helmet that fully immersed the user, forget about tictok, China would have the world withering away in a virtual life so much better than reality that people would never want to take it off, people would become addicted and certainly be influenced.

p.s. I look forward to experiencing any such technology and I think people should be able to use it even if it's addictive, hell I spend so much time online but I can see things and in effect places that I would never have the time to travel to in person, addictive or not it's enriching, so I am not against it, it's just a thought.
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Yeah, I think it'll just be an arms race so to say between generative AI making deep fakes and detection AI detecting it. Just like missiles and missile defence there will be a constantly changing and evolving battle with sometimes one slightly having and edge and sometimes the other.
I can't go to the store without having to dodge people with their face stuck in their cell phone.

Now Elon Musk is working on a human brain-computer interface which could be very useful, however imagine a VR headset/helmet that fully immersed the user, forget about tictok, China would have the world withering away in a virtual life so much better than reality that people would never want to take it off, people would become addicted and certainly be influenced.

p.s. I look forward to experiencing any such technology and I think people should be able to use it even if it's addictive, hell I spend so much time online but I can see things and in effect places that I would never have the time to travel to in person, addictive or not it's enriching, so I am not against it, it's just a thought.
With every new technology there are pros and cons.

I'm pro technology, but I do understand some of the hazards. And would like to see technology being used responsibly.
Something I have to bare in mind this time is this.

A lot of new technology produced has pushback by consumer fear.
With AI, it was actually feared more by its creators than the people it was being pushed on. And that's because for most its fun and easy to play around with but they don't understand what's really going on and how it can be used yet.
What are the images made of? Stills of digital artwork?
It's all digital, AI generated.
That said the computers are fed all kinds of information including images and video, then adjustments are constantly made to improve the product, but a lot of what we see is generated from scratch after giving the AI a request to dream something up with X, Y and Z or whatever parameters.

Just playing with some RGB LED's as I have a ton of em.

What is this I found, an old HENE ?
10-14Vin @ 0.9A and 1250V @ 4mA out
red and black +/-
Any idea what the yellow wire is for ?

