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FrozenGate by Avery

Bright Ideas and thoughts of the day.


LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
Ever have a thought you wanted to share, but didn't know just where to share it here, well this is it, fire away, light em up, let er rip, go 4 it.

It's that time of year when the daily temps are getting cooler and the days are growing shorter, it's the start of autumn, the change of season and when it 1st hits I get that anxious feeling, it's something from deep within my genetic memory, something instinctual..... it's like " Have I put away enough food for the coming winter ? " .... I bet you have sensed it too.

I remember when I 1st felt it, I was quite young, maybe just a few years before Star Wars hit the big screen..... now that was a great movie, we watched it again and again, the laser battles were so cool but lasers were not easily available to the general public like they are today, we have come a long way and the future is bright for lasers which are still as exciting as ever, just imagine what a young kid today will have at his fingertips in another 40 years.
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Daylight savings time is this Sunday Nov. 3rd at 2:00am we will fall back an hour..... Spring forward..... Fall back, so 2:00am will become 1:00am.
4 weeks until Thanksgiving then 4 more weeks until Christmas, 2025 will be upon us before you know it.
If anyone has a Spirit Halloween Store nearby they often have a few days of epic post Halloween sales before they close until next Halloween. Not just on costumes but often some really cool stuff that is relevant to the laser hobby like fog machines and fog liquid. :cool:

The one near me also had some really cool blacklights and multi color LED strobe lights. Definitely I will also be getting more anime wigs if possible too. :cool:
What I ended up getting from Spirit Halloween - everything was 50% off at my location. I got all this stuff for just $30.

This is the most compact LEP I have seen yet, looks like simply a 3.5W 450nm laser diode with a shine through LEP membrane and a coli lens, no doubt it could be over driven, will need to be put in a flashlight heat sink and could have added optics, very easy build, I have ordered but please post if anyone sees more for sale.

I was looking at cordless drills thinking about build ideas, there are some great deals with the holiday season approaching, just the batteries and chargers are worth the money.



My 31 dollar drill from ali express came in, it's not heavy feeling like a home depot/dewalt/miluwalkee/ryobi type, but dam if it doesn't drive 3 inch drywall screws through a pair or studs like a champ, came with 2 battery packs, cells are 5x18650 @ 2000mAh.

One handy thing is how the chuck end is attached with cap screws, this will make repurposing easier.

I will repurpose it, but if I didn't already have drills I would use it, will see how well the batteries hold up in my next build.

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Ha, those cap head screws on the front only hold on a trim bezel, lol.
2 speed gear box and variable speed.....I would rather have just an on/off trigger switch, will get modified anyway.

Time to make a high power LEP white beam pistol with a zoom lens or something cool.


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AI is amazing, check out some of these AI generated clips if you haven't already seen them.

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I’ve watched a few of these. Some of the better works of AI. I’ve also watched some hilarious videos of AI trying to work out what figure skating should be like etc.
I had thought about this future technology many years ago, it concerned me that video evidence could be altered or created and while we are not in real danger of that yet as there are tell-tell signs.... well deep fake still images are pretty good, it won't be long until we can't make out the difference in AI generated videos, maybe we will get to see a computer brain interface where we wear a helmet and experience events as if we were there, not a new concept but very exciting and frightening all the same.
it concerned me that video evidence could be altered or created and while we are not in real danger of that yet as there are tell-tell signs.
Someone, someday will be put to death based on AI created evidence soon I reckon. And because of the dawn of AI, some cases will be falsely dropped because of not being able to determine the credentials of the video evidence.

We are not there yet, but we will get there.
I agree, we might even see a renaissance of magnetic tape or hard drive security camera systems, something with a mechanical element and a constant time/date imprint from satellite signal..... or maybe block chain encoding, something to make any data alteration detectable.

Also multiple camera angles with separate recorders or live stream with multiple location recording backups, it would depend on the scope of the problems.

Also as our cell phone meta data is stored forever it could be used as exculpatory evidence, untimely we would be safe from most data faker threats except those from government agencies who have access and control over our forever file data..... It's a frightening concept all the same and only time will tell how we adapt to deal with the pros and cons of the evolving technology.

That said technical evolution is for the most part a good thing, it's up to us all ( humanity ) to insure justice and that justice prevails.
I agree, we might even see a renaissance of magnetic tape or hard drive security camera systems, something with a mechanical element and a constant time/date imprint from satellite signal..... or maybe block chain encoding, something to make any data alteration detectable.

Also multiple camera angles with separate recorders or live stream with multiple location recording backups, it would depend on the scope of the problems.

Also as our cell phone meta data is stored forever it could be used as exculpatory evidence, untimely we would be safe from most data faker threats except those from government agencies who have access and control over our forever file data..... It's a frightening concept all the same and only time will tell how we adapt to deal with the pros and cons of the evolving technology.

That said technical evolution is for the most part a good thing, it's up to us all ( humanity ) to insure justice and that justice prevails.
It will be probably be the same thing we are seeing within education. AI tools to detect AI tool usage.
Failsafe's like physical encoding would be a good idea. But I feel like meta data is a the best approach as most evidence is now coming from phone evidence in domestic cases. Meta data can be deleted but this should be enough to flag up concern about the legitimacy of the evidence.

More summits on AI should be had. There are too many aspects of our lives that AI will influence, both in a positive and negative way.
We don't need to worry about AI overlords anytime soon. But the AI algorithms can be pushed by enemies to infiltrate and manipulate their societies very easily.
