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FrozenGate by Avery

Bought laser but without instruction manual.


Apr 27, 2012
If it wasn't 808nm laser I wouldn't ask.
It has rotatable front.
I can rotate adjuster counterclockwise (=longer housing) or leave it as it is.
I have no idea which setting generates straight beam and which dispersed beam ??
And second question: what equipment (fairly priced) do I need to see laser beam at night?
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You bought a 808nm laser ? Your post don't make any sense.
What you mean "don't make any sense". Don't spam if you do not have anything to tell on topic. I have rotate-able front of laser! I can rotate it increasing length of laser housing or do not rotate it at all ! I do not know which one gives straight beam and which dispersed beam ! I said I can't tell whether I have straight beam or dispersed because my manual says nothing about it! Maybe you can see 808nm having infrared eyes, but I DO NOT !
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What you mean "don't make any sense". Don't spam if you do not have anything to tell on topic. I have rotate-able front of laser! I can rotate it increasing length of laser housing or do not rotate it at all ! I do not know which one gives straight beam and which dispersed beam ! I said I can't tell whether I have straight beam or dispersed because my manual says nothing about it! Maybe you can see 808nm having infrared eyes, but I DO NOT !

You need an IR viewing card Infrared Laser Viewing Card, AixiZ

Do you have the appropriate goggles for an 808nm laser?
He wasnt spamming, just trying to get more info to better help you... Your problem is one of the reasons why its not a good ideal to buy a IR laser. How strong is the laser? What model is it? Do you have safety goggles for it?
Infrared viewing card is good solution, however it will take time to order them and I need the answer quite quickly.

Laser is 50mW, no model or brand written

maybe graphic illustration will help you:


Which of the above settings gives straight beam and which dispersed beam?
No one can tell you how many turns of the focus knob it takes to make a perfect dot. It all depends on how close the object you are shining the laser is. Twist it all the way out and you will get the same dot as if you twisted it all the way in (unless the 808nm is different this is how all my lasers act when focusing). Maybe next time if you want to view your beams get a non IR laser.
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Use a webcam or cellphone camera (be careful if it's a high power laser so you don't damage your ccd). Most of them are unfiltered to IR light and will show it up as a white or pinkish color. You can point the laser at a black surface from a few feet away while viewing the dot through a camera in order to help you focus it.
If it wasn't 808nm laser I wouldn't ask.
It has rotatable front.
I can rotate adjuster counterclockwise (=longer housing) or leave it as it is.
I have no idea which setting generates straight beam and which dispersed beam ??
And second question: what equipment (fairly priced) do I need to see laser beam at night?

At 50mw of 808nm you will not be able to see the Beam or Beam
Profile with the naked eye.

I would suggest as mentioned above that you get an IR viewing
card or use a Video Camera to at least see the Beam Profile.

Make sure you use appropriate Laser Safety Goggles/Glasses
when playing with a Laser that can't easily be seen. It still has
the same 50mW of power as a visible Laser and can do the same

The front rotatable end is the Lens Focusing adjuster. Ir is used
to focus the Laser's beam.

I would also suggest that you do a little research and reading
on the Forum to understand the Dangers and functioning of


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