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BILLG519 is the nicest guy on Earth!!

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Feb 5, 2008
Well folks I wanted to tell everybody how kind and nice and generous is a man Bill Gilmour, billg519 here.

Everything started couple of months ago, when I was going to build my first bluray laser, in a pen style host. I managed to find the host and 2x 10440 batteries (thank you ReNNo), however i needed a driver...
I found out about LM1117, that appears to be indentical to 317, except it has about 1.4 Vdrop instead od 2.5. Excelent for my laser!

And OFC I was browsing for the forums to see if the driver works with that kind of setup and so... And I found billg519 saying that HE DID managed to build a bluray into pen host with 2x litiums and 1117 driver.
I sent him a PM to ask him if he has some 1117 he wishes to sell, since I'm trying to build that.
His reply was:


PM me your shipping address and I will send you some ...


Now I was getting a little confused, since he did not say the price a piece or anything...
So after asking him that, his reply was:


Sorry, I should have been more clear than I was. I buy these in bulk and always have some on hand. I'm willing to send you a few for free, just need the shipping address. I will also throw in a custom pcb for each.

Hope this helps,


Can you believe this dude? :D
This was my reply to him

Oh my god you are the most generous person in this forum ! :D
You really don't have to send a PCB, i will make them myself, but THANK you very much.
Since this is a PRIVATE message, i'd appreciate if you wouldn't mention this.
You just ensured yourself a free heatsink (s)
You see, the school i'm in, it has a CNC machine fully operable.
As we speak I'm pulling some strings to get hold of crapload o' alluminium, and copper.
When i get it working i will be selling custom heatskinks for like, 10$ (good relations with professors :D)
However, just to show you sincerety and respect, you send me blueprints, i send you heatsinks for free.
And again, I'm usually not the type of person to take things for granted (nor for free for that matter) however, I just talked my parents into allowing me to order a charger for li ions, which i will buy also, so i cannot punch my wallet too hard.

So I really beg of you to understand me, for asking you to send 2 or 3 1117's for free, of course if you can (i don't think you would offer otherwise).
Can you just tell me type of packaging, so i can plan my pcb? They are SMD's are they not?

Again thank you very much.

Please don't comment of my style of expressing gratitude... However the CNC machined heatsink go for everyone, in trade of some laser goodies...

Well anyway, not to get offtopic, here is his reply


I'll explain a little more here. I'm 49 years old, have a good, secure job, and also happen to own a small machine shop. You aren't the first person on the forum that I have privately offered to help by donating a few components of some sort. Jerry gives away free resistors after all. I have laid aside for you a strip of 6 LM1117's in smd and some of the pcb's as well. I etch my own boards from eagle designed layouts, using the print on photo paper and iron on transfer it to the pcb, then etch method. These little boards I produce 30 at a time and cut them apart. These will fit inside the aixiz module. I'll also throw in some smd output caps and safety (cap bleeder) smd resistors. Please test the resulting drivers with a test load before using them with a laser diode. These will also work fine with red 20x dvd diodes ...

Need shipping address.


WOW! Can you beat that?! Sure you can, Bill will show you how, this wil be a very long thread.
Well after I asked the man why is he so generous and all, his reply was::


I have prepared your order and put in a lot of goodies and extras as yesterday was a holiday here, so I was cleaning out my electronics shop. I will send this parcel to you by air express, it should go out this evening. I think that this box will surprise you, and keep you building lasers for a while. At least you have access to CNC, so you will be able to fabricate the metal parts needed.

About generous, there was a time when I was poor. Not many people helped me but some did. I remember them for their kindness and how much I appreciated it. Now, it's my turn to do the occasional favor if I can help someone.


Can you believe that? No? I'm wondering what do you have to say about this!!!


That my friends , is a contents of a box Bill sent me! Please notice the already assembled driver, AMC7135 from 1040 to 1400 mA, TEC 2.8 A cooler, trilions of LEDs... There were also couple of clickie switches for the flashlight that were on my table at the moment of shooting.

3x 9mm diodes, and 3x C-mount diodes, rated at more than 1W (one watt) of IR power...

Can you NOW belive that? Hold your guts I'm not finished yet!

After sending him PM about the contents of the box, how suprised I am, and how gratefull I am, and asking about various parts... We just kept contact...


You won't belive this.

After I managed to sell my bluray laser, I had the money to buy a new PHR sled, and I needed the pen host ETC ETC.
OFC i knew the man to talk to.
I send him a PM asking if he has PHR, li ions, chargers, hosts and misc lase stuff he needed to SELL this time not give away :D
Well I was suprised to see that the overnight regular answer from Bill
... did not arrive.
After asking him did he get my message, agan, overnight answer was lacking.
And then I saw why...
He uploaded some new videos on his youtube channel, one of them showing the marx generator! You will notice that this guy also deal with HV, beside lasers.
Now, I apologised to him about sending couple of messages in a row, and I was in a hurry since I'm afraid of this Christmass time post jams and so... And I MUST have a bluray to burn firecrakers this New Year.
He said in that context:

Seems like a nice ebay host. I don't have anything like this, as I machine my own hosts as needed for my projects. Speaking of post office jams, I sent you a Christmas present. Marked "Student Electronics Kit II" for customs. Hopefully it gets to you OK.

Can you believe that?! Now, what I did not know that the present was sent 1 week before the above copied message. Please try to imagine my face when the day after the message above was read, a big box arrived, from Canada...
Allow me to spare you the reading of wall of text...




Please notice the protection goggles on the 3rd photo,
2x2 " 9A TEC cooler and HV caps and diodes (rectifier ones)

Now, in these 4 pictures there are only 2/3 of actual contents of the box, the rest was packed into those 'metal' looking bags Aixiz uses to deliver their modules, which are hardy transparent and my camera cannot see through them.
There was about 40 or 50 IC 14 and 16 pin circuitry, my guess 74xx TTL logical circuits, also a couple of DX AMC regulator disks, and
9mm and cmount.
I haven't even used one from last package...
I have added them to the box from the last package.

Now seriosuly, how many PPL you know would do such a thing? To help someone like THAT, without even knowing them?

OK, I'm bringing an end to this post now, and allow you to write all the great comments on this GREAT MAN!!!

Note: Why did I not make such post after the 1st package?
I kinda gave it a though. If I write something like this, there would be xxx amount of people sending Bill millions of messages EVERYDAY asking for free stuff...
I did not want this man to go bankrupt on shippements...

However, after the Christmass present from this man, I could not let such good and kidness go unheard of!

Wherever you see Bill's posts, add rep. Post good comments on his profile page.



I knew there were a lot of kind members on this forum but JESUS that is a lot of stuff lol. Bill certainly was a helpfull guy when I was asking about C-mounts a while ago :)

Wish I had that kind of start to lasers :D
I knew there were a lot of kind members on this forum but JESUS that is a lot of stuff lol. Bill certainly was a helpfull guy when I was asking about C-mounts a while ago :)
It is a lot isn't it? :D

Wish I had that kind of start to lasers :D
I'm sorry my man but I'm building lasers for like, 4 years already... So it ain't a start, it is a BOOST

I never even expected to go into CLASS IV , or to see a c-mount in my life, let alone have 10 of them!
Thats incredible, its nice to know truely sincere people are still out their today and always willing to help :gj:
It is a lot isn't it? :D

I'm sorry my man but I'm building lasers for like, 4 years already... So it ain't a start, it is a BOOST

I never even expected to go into CLASS IV , or to see a c-mount in my life, let alone have 10 of them!

Sorry about that :) well it certainly was a boost :d
He means if you take care of other people.... other people will take care of you...

I must say... Bill is an asset to the Forum community and as I now see...
a very generous person...:topic:

He means if you take care of other people.... other people will take care of you...

I must say... Bill is an asset to the Forum community and as I now see...
a very generous person...:topic:

My english just got better for one nice phrase :D

Bill should post here in 7 or 8 hours, It is 15:00 at my place now, and that means the famous ovenight reply from Bill.

We'll see ih we can make him blush :D
BTW what is a Toppie +? "Good topic!" ?
Or just extravagantly rich :D Only J/K, he's a great guy!

Actually... extravagantly rich are not that generous... IMO..:san:

"Toppie +" means "Very Well Done"... "Top of the line"... "Excellent"...
(Any Members... Correct me if I'm wrong)

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yea very good point actually, some of the more generous people I know arn't rich :)
Good point. I believe that is because when you don't have a crapload of money, you learn to appreciate what you have. That means also appreciating other people, which leads to the desire of helping them. IHMO

I'm so curious to hear what Bill has to say when he sees this thread. :D
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