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FrozenGate by Avery

Best 5mW Greenie?

Jul 19, 2007
I might want to get a nice little 5mW greenie, mostly for sky-pointing and shit and as a possible scapegoat incase i ever get in trouble for my x-85...i mean what 85mW illeagle laser officer, i just have the very legal 5mW green laser pointer ::)

haha anyway, i was mostly looking between The Core or Destructive Gears Greenie, they both come with a case and are 40 bucks shipped to you door, was just wondering if anyone had any opinions

lol youre really pumped that they gave you that free diffraction grating eh? mine should be at my doorstep any day now, and i think i may end up going nova if everything works out well, they do seem like a great company...

you think their 5mW greenie comes with a average and peak mW report too ;D
im not reallly saying which has the best beam or power, im just using it to mess around with, what my question mostly is about is who makes the best one, meaning build quality, ruggedness, etc.
For good price, you could get a greenie for $18 at dealextreme with free shipping.
Stealing ideas from me now are you?
I was going to go with DX because it would just be an extra laying around, and the shipping form everywhere else would cost almost as much as the laser.
well the core and destructive gear greenie are both 40 dollars shipped to your door, you wont have to wait forever(as you sometimes do with DX), and your guaranteed that itll be a well made laser. Plus they both come with a case ;D

maybe ill just earn some light years at Nova, which also comes with a case(aluminum case to-boot!)
Just for G&G, I got 2 DX5's !!! One easily puts out 15 mw and the other warms to 14 mw. These are just for fun !!

