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FrozenGate by Avery

Beam pics of my LaserPointerPro 532nm

Jun 26, 2015
I bought this handheld before seeing many of our forum members warning against them. I have to say, this transaction went well, and I am happy with the product. Maybe I got lucky? It is supposed to me 200mW, no clue since I don't have an LPM yet. It does have a nice bright beam, I like it!


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Seems Pretty Bright, have you tried burning matches with it? I was wondering whether to buy from there but seems sketchy lol
Seems Pretty Bright, have you tried burning matches with it? I was wondering whether to buy from there but seems sketchy lol

I have not tried burning with it yet, I should though. If I do I'll make a video and post it. For less than $20 I got what I feel was a decent laser. Given this experience I would buy from them again, but I suggest you look around the forum for others opinions and experiences before you buy from them. I may have only gotten lucky this time, idk.
I have not tried burning with it yet, I should though. If I do I'll make a video and post it. For less than $20 I got what I feel was a decent laser. Given this experience I would buy from them again, but I suggest you look around the forum for others opinions and experiences before you buy from them. I may have only gotten lucky this time, idk.

Yeah for $20 That's a good deal for Sure! I might be tempted to buy in the Future. Thanks for the post
It's not that you can't end up with a unit with good output, it's the consistency and general build quality that can be an issue. In other words you never know what you are going to get. Could be great one time and bad the next. Noone here can guess by the pics your actual output but it looks pretty nice and if you are happy with it then that's good enough and it didn't cost much:)
^^^That about sums it up, for $20.00 you got a decent, working 532nm laser that you are happy with; have fun and enjoy it! :D
I doubt that this has a IR filter in it, so be careful, especially when burning, or other close up use. Better yet, be sure your safety glasses/goggles protect against IR.
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It's not that you can't end up with a unit with good output, it's the consistency and general build quality that can be an issue. In other words you never know what you are going to get. Could be great one time and bad the next. Noone here can guess by the pics your actual output but it looks pretty nice and if you are happy with it then that's good enough and it didn't cost much:)

Right! I should have been more specific. The biggest complaint I have seen is the wide variability in quality from them. Honestly, I had to tap this unit on my hand a couple times before it would even work. Loose connection inside I imagine. Seems fine now though

^^^That about sums it up, for $20.00 you got a decent, working 532nm laser that you are happy with; have fun and enjoy it! :D
I doubt that this has a IR filter in it, so be careful, especially when burning, or other close up use. Better yet, be sure your safety glasses/goggles protect against IR.

I need some goggles that protect from IR. That's my next purchase, better glasses. That is one reason I haven't tried anything up close. Given the price and the source, I agree, probably no IR filter in there. Don't want to fry my eyes with something I can't even see:cryyy:
I bought this handheld before seeing many of our forum members warning against them. I have to say, this transaction went well, and I am happy with the product. Maybe I got lucky? It is supposed to me 200mW, no clue since I don't have an LPM yet. It does have a nice bright beam, I like it!

If you ever want to measure it, I've got an LPM, and I'm in Hoover, AL. I would be glad to do so for free, and I can print out a graph of the power for you. What part of Alabama are you from?
If you ever want to measure it, I've got an LPM, and I'm in Hoover, AL. I would be glad to do so for free, and I can print out a graph of the power for you. What part of Alabama are you from?

Hey Tater! I'm down here in Mobile. I will definitely get with you to meter some of these, especially my builds going forward. As it stands I have 6 or 7 cheapies that I'd like to meter, and the 405nm that I put together just recently is begging for it. I'm running it at 100mA, without a test load I didn't want to fiddle with the setting. Maybe we can get together at some point, it's good to know we have someone fairly close by with a meter.
Hey Tater! I'm down here in Mobile. I will definitely get with you to meter some of these, especially my builds going forward. As it stands I have 6 or 7 cheapies that I'd like to meter, and the 405nm that I put together just recently is begging for it. I'm running it at 100mA, without a test load I didn't want to fiddle with the setting. Maybe we can get together at some point, it's good to know we have someone fairly close by with a meter.

Yea, for sure. I have one cheapie, an SD303, that I have metered. It was around 30mW. I have used it for several 2+ and 3+ watt 445nm builds, a 235mW 520nm build, and I will be using it on a 16x 405nm and a 638nm build this week. It's the Laserbee 3.7W USB. Any time you want something metered, just let me know. You can ship them to me or, if you're ever in the area while I'm free, drop by and meter them.
Yea, for sure. I have one cheapie, an SD303, that I have metered. It was around 30mW. I have used it for several 2+ and 3+ watt 445nm builds, a 235mW 520nm build, and I will be using it on a 16x 405nm and a 638nm build this week. It's the Laserbee 3.7W USB. Any time you want something metered, just let me know. You can ship them to me or, if you're ever in the area while I'm free, drop by and meter them.

Awesome, will do! :beer:
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