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Be aware about Tritium vials. CNRC resonponse

Jul 4, 2008
Tritium vials are exempt from many of the Restrictions that a similar substance in a solid form
would be. Also H3 is a low energy beta emitter which means that radiation
from H3 is easily shielded against. However,
It is illegal to sell non secured vials (secured meaning set into plastic), or transport them in Canada without a licence.

This is a response from the CNRC, Canadian Nuclear Regulatory
Committee regarding Tritium in safety products and equipment.

7.*A person may, without a licence to carry on that activity, possess, transfer, use or abandon a tritium-activated self-luminous safety sign if
(a)*the only nuclear substance contained in the safety sign is tritium;
(b)*the safety sign contains no more than 925 GBq of tritium in gaseous form;
(c)*the light-emitting component containing the tritium consists of glass tubes that are enclosed in a sturdy metal or plastic frame mounted in a manner that prevents the dismantlement and removal of the glass tubes;
(d)*the amount of tritium present in the form of oxide does not exceed 1 per cent per volume for each glass tube;
(e)*the safety sign conforms to ANSI/HPS N43.4-2000, Classification of Radioactive Self-Luminous Light Sources, of the American National Standards Institute/Health Physics Society, or to Standard MIL-STD-810F, 2000, Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests, of the United States Department of Defense; and
(f)*the safety sign, if it is manufactured after the coming into force of this paragraph, is marked with the name and quantity in becquerels of the nuclear substance, the manufacturer’s recommended expiry date for the sign and the date of manufacture of the sign.

In the US there are no legal sources of non sealed tritium vials.
All Tritium vials must be sold new directly from a liscenced distributor.
All re-sale of Tritium containing products are PROHIBITED in the US.
The licensing of H3 falls under 10 CFR Part 30.19

§ 30.19 Self-luminous products containing tritium, krypton-85, or promethium-147.
(a) Except for persons who manufacture, process, produce, or initially transfer for sale or distribution self-luminous products containing tritium, krypton-85, or promethium-147, and except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, any person is exempt from the requirements for a license set forth in section 81 of the Act and from the regulations in parts 20 and 30 through 36 and 39 of this chapter to the extent that such person receives, possesses, uses, transfers, owns, or acquires tritium, krypton-85, or promethium-147 in self-luminous products manufactured, processed, produced, or initially transferred in accordance with a specific license issued pursuant to § 32.22 of this chapter, which license authorizes the initial transfer of the product for use under this section.
(b) Any person who desires to manufacture, process, or produce self-luminous products containing tritium, krypton-85, or promethium-147, or to transfer such products for use pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, should apply for a license pursuant to § 32.22 of this chapter, which license states that the product may be transferred by the licensee to persons exempt from the regulations pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section or equivalent regulations of an Agreement State.
(c) The exemption in paragraph (a) of this section does not apply to tritium, krypton-85, or promethium-147 used in products primarily for frivolous purposes or in toys or adornments.
[34 FR 9026, June 6, 1969, as amended at 40 FR 8785, Mar. 3, 1975; 43 FR 6921, Feb. 17, 1978; 52 FR 8241, Mar. 17, 1987; 58 FR 7736, Feb. 9, 1993]

Example below link of an authorization licensing paperwork for Tritium.
If you are caught selling Tritium without the proper paperwork
expect large fines/ legal action and on eBay immediate (account) suspension.

This is a heads up.
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