As requested, the purpose of this thread is to provide information on users bans when they occur. How this will work:
1. This thread will be locked, and only updated by moderators and admin.
2. Bans will only be listed if a member was considered a genuine member. The definition of a "genuine member" is up to the moderator responsible for the banning.
3. There will be no further discussion threads about banned members, they will be locked or deleted.
4. The reason for the ban is at the moderators discretion. Please do not email or private message us asking for more information on the ban or disputing it, unless said member has also done or said something to you worth noting, such as death threats and illegal activities.
Bans are listed in the format:
Member - Ban Date - Ban Length - Reason
And most importantly, please DO NOT get involved. The moment you reply to an argument or fight, you become involved and may end up on this list too.
Report the post, PM or visitor message, and DO NOT reply.
- The moderators
1. This thread will be locked, and only updated by moderators and admin.
2. Bans will only be listed if a member was considered a genuine member. The definition of a "genuine member" is up to the moderator responsible for the banning.
3. There will be no further discussion threads about banned members, they will be locked or deleted.
4. The reason for the ban is at the moderators discretion. Please do not email or private message us asking for more information on the ban or disputing it, unless said member has also done or said something to you worth noting, such as death threats and illegal activities.
Bans are listed in the format:
Member - Ban Date - Ban Length - Reason
And most importantly, please DO NOT get involved. The moment you reply to an argument or fight, you become involved and may end up on this list too.
Report the post, PM or visitor message, and DO NOT reply.
- The moderators
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