You have forgotten one gas, Oxygen, The garbage bags are usually filled with a mixture of O2 and fuel generally Acetylene
but any of the gases you have mentioned here will work fine with O2 if you are looking for a LOUD noise !
I knew this lawyer back in the early 80's and I went over to his house a couple days after new years and he had this Oxy/Ace
tank set in his garage, Well I knew he didn't know any thing about welding so I asked him what he was doing with it and he said,
I rented it to make bag bombs with for new years and he went on to explain how they went to a dry cleaners and bought a ton
of dry cleaning bags and He lived on a cul-de-sac with houses all around and they put a block in the middle of the street to hook
the bag bomb to and then they stood back and threw fire crackers at it till Ka-Boom

BTW the lawyer did tell me he would be paying for a window.
This was the first time I had heard of this technique, pretty cool :eg:
Now if you want something quiet lets say then put only fuel into the balloon and when it ignites it will be so fuel rich it will
burn slowly with a pop instead of a big BANG.
I like the idea if the flash paper stuck to the balloon and maybe a match head behind it for certainty :thinking:
We pretty much only ever set off bag bombs with electric squibs when I was doing it at baseball and foot ball games during
the fireworks displays but this way seems like a lot more fun, it's a bit of a challenge if you make the flash paper target small
Have fun and be Safe
thanks for the advice. I will get some flash paper and try various gases. Propane I have. Hydrogen or acetylene, I will have to rent a tank from a welding shop. I can try the match head idea, Maybe a couple glued right next to each other on a balloon. That would definitely be the least expensive. Flash paper is not cheap.
stick flashpaper onto outside of balloon- BE CAREFUL esp w/ Acetylene
I have seen garbage bags of it get lit and it can cause a pants full or worse.
I have found a local supplier of hydrogen at a very reasonable price. If I fill a balloon with hydrogen and use a little flash paper to ignite the Gas will it ignite with a decent flash and noise? I am hesitant to use acetylene because I have seen many posts that state it is a bit more unstable and can be extremely loud when ignited. So, what do you think. Hydrogen with flash paper taped or glued to the outside of the balloon. Will it give me a decent display?