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B&W-tech Spectrometer & 473 module: Setup+Mods+Info

Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I should have worded that differently. The spectro does get some power through the RS232 to USB converter. It is enough to allow the computer to read the drivers off the spectro. I don't think it is enough as there is a +12 volt in micro plug and USB only supplies +5 volts.

Reads drivers off the spectro...? That's not how that works. You don't need drivers for the spectro, you need drivers for the serial interface. Your computer doesn't much care what's on the other side of that interface and doesn't need drivers for the remote device (which wouldn't store them anyway), just the local USB to RS232 device. When you connect the USB to RS232 device your computer detects a new device and automatically searches for drivers and then installs them if it finds them. If not, you install them manually.

As an example, hook it up without power, just the RS232, open up putty and then open up the corresponding COM port. You won't get any data. The port will open, but it won't do anything until you apply power to the spectro.

There's no specification for power in the RS232 standard, at best it's able to provide a few 10s of mA but is not a power source. Maybe you could power a µC or something off of it (sorta hackishly) but that's about it.
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Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I can tell you that I hooked it up to both my laptops and in both it stated "reading drivers". When I unplugged it, I got a message that it "did not complete reading drivers".

On my Windows 8.1 it says device installer. Installing necessary files while just the spectro is connected through the RS232 to USB converter.
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Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I can tell you that I hooked it up to both my laptops and in both it stated "reading drivers". When I unplugged it, I got a message that it "did not complete reading drivers".

On my Windows 8.1 it says installing important files from spectro.

...Not that I don't believe you, but do you have screenshots? I've never seen (or even heard of) a serial device doing that (providing software/drivers over RS232), especially not without external power and I've worked with a bunch of them.

There's no need for remote device drivers with RS232, all it does it send/receive data. Sort of like how you don't need network drivers for a remote computer, just for the network interface in your local computer. Sometimes you need additional software to make use of the data (although you can read the data with just a terminal client). You should only ever need drivers for the USB-RS232 interface itself.

Will see what mine does when it shows up...
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Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I do understand what you are saying. But, it clearly shows "Device Installer". Necessary files are being installed. This could take several minutes to complete. This is without software installed and the only power is provided through the converter. I have an RS232 on my Scientech LPM and I know it is just for data transfer, but it does what I am telling you. I believe it needs the external power supply because it never finishes installing these files.
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I do understand what you are saying. But, it clearly shows "Device Installer". Necessary files are being installed. This could take several minutes to complete. This is without software installed and the only power is provided through the converter. I have an RS232 on my Scientech LPM and I know it is just for data transfer, but it does what I am telling you. I believe it needs the external power supply because it never finishes installing these files.

Sounds like the windows device installer installing USB-RS232 drivers, but I'll take your word on it. :p

Will see what mine does when it shows up. :beer:
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

The extreme lack of functionality on the software is why I was looking into other options. Couldn't even get it to stay zoomed in on one area of the spectra for more than half a second to try to see what it was reading scattered light from my lasers as.
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

Looks like yours have the baffles that weren't present on some of the others we've seen!
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I hope you didn't touch any surface of the optics inside the optical bench, Chris. That is disastrous for them. If you must pull the top off it is best to remove the baffles and put it back to together before dust or dirt can settle on any part of it. If you must clean them only use dry air to blow away the dust. Never try cleaning with anything else. Then put it back together as it most likely won't need alignment.

I thought it was unusual that these didn't have the baffles I had been hearing about for months. I haven't opened the optical bench on mine as I figured if the baffles were there I would know it by the limited spectrum.
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

As long as the optics aren't touched you're probably okay. You can adjust the focusing mirror without going inside the optical bench. There is a door behind it with four screws, so if it needs alignment part of that can be done with the bench closed. The grating and its position have more to do with the resolution, but the number of pixels in the CCD also contributes to the resolution. My understanding of this bench is it is limited to 1nm as set up with the slit, grating and CCD.
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Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I have been trying yesterday and today to get the free software to load and show me a screen to look at with no success. I can look at the pdf files about it and other bits and pieces, but no software. I know I must be missing something, but I really do need to get this thing loaded so I can move forward with whether or not it can be used. And, if so, does it need modifying. Anyone who has successfully gotten to this juncture, please assist me as I can't do much more until I can see this thing.
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I'm pretty sure I could help with the software side of things but I still don't have one of these spectros.

Do you get an error?
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

No, it just won't load and show me anything. It acts as though it is trying to load.....then nothing. Have you been able to load it, Atomicrox? I can send you a copy by email if you like. Pm me if you would.
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

It runs here, even with no serial device connected to the PC. It does need the .NET Framework (4.0 if I'm not mistaken) to run, do you have that installed?
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

Yeah, I don't have that. I have "simple spectro.exe" and nothing else. If you have something I don't have it would be great if you could give that to me.

I do have a version of .Net running. In trying to install a version of it the installation failed because of that.
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Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

Yeah, I don't have that. I have "simple spectro.exe" and nothing else. If you have something I don't have it would be great if you could give that to me.

I do have a version of .Net running. In trying to install a version of it the installation failed because of that.

I have the same software, runs just fine. Windows 10, .NET 4.0... No spectro to test it with though.

Try connecting to the COM port that spectro is attached to using Putty: https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w32/putty.exe
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Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I am running Windows 8.1 which has a version of .Net running on it. Atomicrox told me to put the simple specrto.exe, the dll. file and another file together in the same folder and then double click on simple specrto.exe to bring it up. It is all getting pretty confusing as I am not into all the ins and outs of using Windows to begin with. My daughter is actually better at that than I am.
