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FrozenGate by Avery

awsome forum!

Oct 31, 2007
hiya dudes! been reading this forum 4 a while now and ive bitten the bullit and orded the nova 105 today.......was THIS close to bying a chinese knock-off from ebay till i stumbeled upon this forum and started to read the many posts.i thought i knew a bit about lasers as i used to use them to align pumps and motors in the steel industry down here in australia,ppppffffttttt after reading some of these posts it turns out i know jack sh%t !!! lol.
anyway...... when my new baby gets delivered ill post the specs and tell u all what i think of it. i dont think ive ever been so excited about bying something over the 'net than this! cheers tony from oz ;)

Welcome to the forum Tony and glad to have you on board ;) Looking forward to your pics and review of your new laser too :)
Hey Tony - welcome - and another aussie - Sydney here and new myself. - hope you have fun with your nova X105. I am saving for a 300mw portable. I hate waiting - will have the money by around february. If I can hang on, and keep saving I might just jump from a portable to something even bigger - a 500mw or 800mw labby. I am still deciding, but I reckon whatever I choose I'll have fun with. Presently have a 120-150mw labby modified to run off a nimh battery.

Lasers are so addictive.
welcome meth400, i'm sure you'll love an X-105 :) (or other model if it wasn't an X-series you bought...) i'm also saving for a 300mW, gyrodryve!
hey thanx for the welcome guys! yes its a nova x-105,boy was i so tempted to get a 400mw modal................... if it wasnt so close to xmas i would have lol.

hey gyro! wollongong here mate...........not far from you. ;)

p.s my nickname has nothing to do with drugs....lol i have a 400ci race car that runs on methonal ,hence the nick.i get newbs on other forums asking me to sell them methamphetaimins lmao.......go figure. ::)

got a very promp reply from Magdalena @ nova this morning regarding my customs worries! i am soo sooo impressed by this companys willingness to please its customers! lots of other guys should take a leaf out of their book about customer realations.

anyway its nearlly beer'o'clock here and im on holidays....... 8-) 8-) 8-) cheers guys! [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif]
p.s my nickname has nothing to do with i am a stupid spammer
You must have typed something naughty and got anti spammed :)

Welcome to the forum.

Regards rog8811
i'm going to guess the missing word begins with "d" and ends in "rugs". nova has great customer support - even though my X-85 is second hand, they're always happy to answer questions about it, and do so very quickly :)
>>>>>>>>>>p.s my nickname has nothing to do with i am a stupid spammer....lol

i never typed this! one of the mods inserted it ;D

looks like ya gotta be rrreeeeaaallllll carefull what one says here.lol.

just >:( wtf was that comment supposed to mean anyway?
certain words here are filtered, mostly to stop spammers. one of the things spammers often try sell is d r u g s (pharmaceuticals at least), so... that's one of the filtered words (ie, automatically gets replaced with "i am a stupid spammer"). you can go back and modify your post, if you wish :)
As M says, the forum software does it automaticaly...don't worry about it, most new members fall foul of it at some stage.

Regards rog8811
certain words here are filtered, mostly to stop spammers. one of the things spammers often try sell is d r u g s (pharmaceuticals at least), so... that's one of the filtered words (ie, automatically gets replaced with "i am a stupid spammer"). you can go back and modify your post, if you wish

oops...........................................sorry guys,havent come accros :D this feature before on a forum..... 'scuse me while i whipe off the egg... :-[
