hiya dudes! been reading this forum 4 a while now and ive bitten the bullit and orded the nova 105 today.......was THIS close to bying a chinese knock-off from ebay till i stumbeled upon this forum and started to read the many posts.i thought i knew a bit about lasers as i used to use them to align pumps and motors in the steel industry down here in australia,ppppffffttttt after reading some of these posts it turns out i know jack sh%t !!! lol.
anyway...... when my new baby gets delivered ill post the specs and tell u all what i think of it. i dont think ive ever been so excited about bying something over the 'net than this! cheers tony from oz
anyway...... when my new baby gets delivered ill post the specs and tell u all what i think of it. i dont think ive ever been so excited about bying something over the 'net than this! cheers tony from oz