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Awesome Service from Jayrob! :)

May 25, 2010
This is long overdue. A Big !THANK YOU! Jay For all that you have done for me. I have talked to you for sometime now and i have yet to be disappointed with you service.:D

I have order a couple of his laser builds that are perfectly done. The machining is A+ + + The total build quality is A+ + + and i also have order a couple of heatsinks and just recently a Micro BoostDrive.

When i Order the Micro BoostDrive from Jay i had asked him if he Can tell me where he gets his wire from because i was running low of that exact wire, So i cant re order some. So he told me dont worry about it ill Send you some to hold me over so i was like cool :thanks:. Once receiving my Micro boost driver i seen that he just dint give me a couple of feet he really left me amazed of the amount he gave me.:bowdown:. To me its not the big things that count in life its all the little things that add up that makes a difference to me. It made me very happy.:D

Jay or as we know him Jayrob is a hell of a guy :beer:, Almost feel like hes a Robot or something the way he handles everyone.

This is just to say Big Thank You For all you have done and i really appreciate it and let everyone know my experience.

I Highly recommend Jayrob for any of your DIY build or if you have any question Just shot him a PM >>>>"HERE"<, He will Treat you with respect and never leave you in the dark and his kits are Sweeeet. >>>>"Jays Kits"<

:thanks: Jay it really made me realize today with the wire that you really are good at heart and do it to help your fellow laser lovers out.:gj: Your the man.:cool:


Agreed, he was very helpful for me as well when I was trying to determine what hosts and options to order from him. I now have two hosts on the way and can't be more excited for them to arrive :).
Thanks Guys.:) I new i wasn't the only one that felt this way.

I also forgot to mention that His kits are well made and very easy to put together.
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Hey, No problem Jay i mean ever part of it, You were the one that inspired me into laser almost 1 years ago with my first build.

From that day till now you have helped me every time i asked. Before and after the sale & even if i dint by anything from you. You still helped. "No Spoon feeding tho":p

Your Kits are top notch IMO. With the tutorial and the instruction sheets that came with the kits i got, I found them easy to put together for my first builds. After that i guess i can say it came natural to me to put the rest of my builds together myself.

I cant thank you enough for inspiring me into laser because i would not be were i am today with out your help.:gj:

I wanted to make it known how i felt of how much of a good person you are and how much you have helped this community out with bringing new members here and the services you provide.

PS: You should change your user name from Jayrob to JayRobbot. :crackup:(j/k)

Ha ha...

Well, glad I could give back a little...

I will try and help if I can.

I got (and can still count on) a lot of help along the way too...
Damn I can' wait to receive my jayrob kit.... Just one more weeeekkkkk. For the time being & to make the wait easier for me, I've hired a ninja to fight with these past several days. It sort of works, though I think he's getting tired of my antics. He's kind of a softy to be honest, he's from Detroit :rolleyes:
Hey you guys out there that have been patiently waiting...

First, thanks for your patience. But also, when you check the status with me, please mention the 'date paid'. That will make it really easy for me to find you order information in the stack...

When you first order, and I give you a estimated time frame. I try to be as accurate as I can. But It's not always exactly as I plan. So it may be an extra few days or so.

But I'll definitely come through on your order. And in the case that you change your mind before I get to your order, I can easily refund as well...

Thanks again!
