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Seriously this is like the 5th thread I've seen this, don't be saying "omg why wasn't this person included?" It wasn't because YOU didn't nominate that person, you all had one week to nominate people. I thought more people were going to participate in the nominations, a couple did participate but not what I was expecting. If you wanted someone to be nominated then you should've done that a week ago, now it's too late. So please stop asking why people weren't included and just vote for who you think is more suited for the award. Thank you.
chido said:
Seriously this is like the 5th thread I've seen this, don't be saying "omg why wasn't this person included?" It wasn't because YOU didn't nominate that person, you all had one week to nominate people. I thought more people were going to participate in the nominations, a couple did participate but not what I was expecting. If you wanted someone to be nominated then you should've done that a week ago, now it's too late. So please stop asking why people weren't included and just vote for who you think is more suited for the award.  Thank you.

No, thank YOU.
Man I'll vote for rog8811... I'm just honored that I would even be mentioned here! Thanks for that! :D
Sorry then! Sheesh, I didn't even know we were nominating members for all these polls.
I didn't mean just you, this has been happening in other threads too, that's why I said what I said. You should have checked the "other" section for the nominations thread.
Since these nominations were laser related, they probably should of gone in the 'General' section, and not the other section which is meant to be for everything but lasers :)
<danQ dons wet blanket>

this is laser-related like the Miss America contest is related to singing...

I find this kind of "poll" juvenile, divisive... and wildly inaccurate - doesn't the fact that there have been several complaints of "but xxxx should have been nominated" tell you anything? aside from that the complainants are wrong, that is - they aren't wrong, they're telling you there was a major flaw in your methodology.

But in my opinion, the root problem was having a popularity contest at all - it's just not useful and all too often results in rivalry and resentment.
danq said:
<danQ dons wet blanket>

this is laser-related like the Miss America contest is related to singing...

I find this kind of "poll" juvenile, divisive... and wildly inaccurate - doesn't the fact that there have been several complaints of "but xxxx should have been  nominated" tell you anything? aside from that the complainants are wrong, that is - they aren't wrong, they're telling you there was a major flaw in your methodology.

But in my opinion, the root problem was having a popularity contest at all - it's just not useful and all too often results in rivalry and resentment.

What the hell..

dude we're trying to have some fun

if you dont want to vote then just dont.

i didnt make my own nominations, i asked the whole forums to do so if they wanted to participate.
nikokapo said:
if you dont want to vote then just dont.

i didnt make my own nominations, i asked the whole forums to do so if they wanted to participate.
apparently some people who were interested did not get the word in time.

and... that was my vote - I vote for no polls like this. But I'm not out to prevent them; you who do want to, of course are free to do so and I have not and will not interfere! unless you count one posting of my opinion as unacceptable? (okay, plus one response to your response).
i'm not saying you shouldnt vote. but this took me some work, and i dont really appreciate people criticizing it.

the thread was on for one week, i wrote that in big letters and even kept track of the nominees.

again, this is just for fun. and yes, i am free :)
Flaw in methodology? ::) Like the miss world really finds the best looking female on the face of the earth. ::) ::) ::) ::)

We're just trying to have some fun.This is not supposed to reflect the exact reality.Seriously, don't make such a big fuss, there aren't any kittens being killed over it. :P
Niko ---
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