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At what mW  do i need to wear goggles

I understand the "young, naive, broke members of the audience" problem on this forum and will act accordingly from now on. I should also pay more attention to what I type, because when I have an idea and write it down in my words, it can possibly be interpreted as something I totally don't mean. (like the common problem of writers getting blind for their own errors). I also sometimes assume things as common knowledge among the experienced when in fact it's new to even them. I have these problems more than average.

Good to know won't have to worry about a minute 5mw greenie when messing with my cats.
If i am careful with my laser then whats the highest mW i can go to before i need safety goggles.
i dont know much but probably over 30mw you need one tho when pointing it at dark colored objects there isnt much light compared to white colored objects i think it depends on what your pointing it at
i dont know much but probably over 30mw you need one tho when pointing it at dark colored objects there isnt much light compared to white colored objects i think it depends on what your pointing it at
Two items here: the last reply to this thread is from 13 years ago. Necroposting is frowned upon. And the other thing is that your answer is wrong. 5mW. The answer is 5mW. You got really lucky with with your '303. 30mW can punch a hole in your retina faster than you can blink. I mean that literally. The damage can be done before you even begin to flinch and blink away from the bright light. Retinal burns are quite painless and also very permanent.

If you're going to stay then you should probably refrain from weighing in on safety questions until you learn a bit more.
