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Are my Eagle Pair OD5+ defective?

Apr 23, 2015
Hello everyone, I recently received a pair of Eagle Pair 190- 540 & 800-1700nm OD5+ safety glasses purchased from the survival lasers website and noticed the dot on a white wall from a cheap 301 532nm with an ir filter shone through the glasses was much brighter than a pair of cheap red eBay glasses

The dot on the wall through the red glasses is BARELY visible in room lighting, and through the Eagle Pair it's quite apparent, the dot in the dark picture of the eBay glasses is not bright purple like in the picture it's barely visible green, the dots are green in color for both glasses.

So I'm wondering is it possible that the Eagle Pair actually protect better than the cheap red ones or does it appear that I have a fake or defective set of Eagle Pair.

I have a Jetlasers PL-E 800mw 532nm on the way and don't want to damage my eyes from defective safety glasses

Here are some pictures, thanks for any insight.


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I just pointed through my own Eagle Pair glasses and noticed that there was no dot whatsoever coming through on the other side. So it seems a little strange indeed. You will probably need a LPM to find out if it lets through a harmful amount of power, as there is a good chance that you'll see the same dim dot when shining through it with a much higher powered laser.
That purple dot might actually be IR. Does that pointer have an IR filter on it for sure? Maybe it isn't filtering all of it. If not, the IR is showing up brighter than the green in the picture. That would explain why it is purple in the picture but looks green to you. Do you have a defective pair? I'll let someone else answer that since I don't know much about that brand in particular.
Have you measured the actual amount of light passing through? For a 300mW green laser it could be up to .003mW which would still be visible.

Those Eagle Pair are broad spectrum goggles and it could be the other goggles are actually greater than OD5 at 532nm.
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@gozert Are your Eagle Pair the Orange OD4? I have only seen videos of them and they appear to work as good as my cheapies.

@Dr_Evil Yes it has a filter I glued on, but I think it is not a 100% effective filter.

@grainde, If visual reduction is indicative of actual protection for 532nm then I would be completely confident that the cheapies are providing adequate protection for at least the 532nm.

@Garoq, Eagle Pair doesn't make glasses over OD5 so if others say they see no dot then something has to be wrong with mine, or the OD4 protect better than the OD5.

Thanks everyone for the input!
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Yes the cheapies are working for the 532, but not the 808/1064. The eagle pairs work even though a small amount of light gets through. The 0.03 mW Garog mentioned is still visible due to the eye's sensitivity to this wavelength. Remember 5 mW is the safe limit.

My eagle pairs work just fine and I can also see a dot with a 5 mW 532. In the thread I linked, I confirmed this by measuring the power of the transmitted light.:beer:
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@gozert Are your Eagle Pair the Orange OD4? I have only seen videos of them and they appear to work as good as my cheapies.

Thanks everyone for the input!

Yeah, they're the orange OD4's full cover goggles. They work excellent for me.
Yes the cheapies are working for the 532, but not the 808/1064. The eagle pairs work even though a small amount of light gets through. The 0.03 mW Garog mentioned is still visible due to the eye's sensitivity to this wavelength. Remember 5 mW is the safe limit.

My eagle pairs work just fine and I can also see a dot with a 5 mW 532. In the thread I linked, I confirmed this by measuring the power of the transmitted light.:beer:

This is to be expected, i suppose. They claim OD5, which would let through a microwatt for every 100 mW shining through it. Not enough to show up on a meter, but at 532 probably enough for the eye to see. I'm not really sure what the lowest intensity is that you can see, but it totally depends on ambient light. Afaik, when totally dark adapted, you can see light when it comes in at a rate of about 100 photons/second, which is in the order of 10^-17 watts.

That said, you don't need OD5 at all. OD4 would be sufficient for lasers up to 10 watt, even if you looked straight into one. I wouldn't try though - not sure how long it takes to chew through those glasses, and not willing to find out that way :D
