I tried creatine before a work out once, and I didn't really feel any "boost", or anything out of the ordinary at first, until about 30min later I broke out in cold sweats and had a real stomach problem for an hour or so. Needless to say, I never tried it again. But that could just be my individual body, I've also smoked marijuana before, and that gets me hyper. Sugar and caffeine does nothing. I've also tired crystal meth once, and that made me want to go to sleep. It's probably due to my A.D.D. ;D
I used to work out about 1 hour a day and I would drink protein drinks, that really makes your muscles defined quick, and will have the ladies drooling over you, but you can't wipe your own ass or hang from the monkey bars, and it deflates just as fast as it comes once you stop taking it, even if you continue to work out. I say exercise is great, working out is good, good diet is awesome, and to keep your natural tone is how you should stay. Do you really need to lift your truck 10' into the sky to show the world you're big and tough, when you really decide to take it off road it breaks on the first ditch? I say, don't portray an image that's not true, and if nobody sees you for your true self then it's their loss.