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Another reefer new to boards

well I have had some time away from the boards. tried some imports and lasers from flea bay, all i have is some expensive garbage, and a burnt mess. yes one cheapo actually smoked and the battery ruptured. so I am back here looking to the crew, anyone out there willing to take on a build? looking for a 3+ watt pointer, but dont want to go bankrupt in the process.

are you still trying to cut corals w/ a laser??


read of great success killing pesties -but cutting coral--idunno

btw A black balloon will pop first when inside a clear balloon- in regard to damage to a tank.
and-- I tiny ball of 'sharpied' flash paper goes off LOUD inside a glass bottle w/ snap lid- from across the room w/ 250mW 650 loc

A search here shows other threads on pest control in salt tanks w/ laser.
a .5W 405 w/ sharp focusing lens would kill the fastest. imo
& Jetlasers has for $199 a 1400 mW blue 462. has focus-(its the Eq Series)

good luck
I took the advice of members and just ordered a 1.6w 445nm for the same purpose. I know of others that have gone as high as 5w.
