The actual legal status of this is quite variable though. In holland we've had several cases, legislation was even changed to make it an offense to shine lasers at aircraft or control towers a few years ago.
Before that, a man aimed a laser pointer at departing military aircraft from just over the german border that caused him great noise problems. The charges were that he intended to crash the aircraft and/or cause bodily harm to the pilots.
Studies were done, and it was calculated that the laser used could not have caused eye injury at the distance the aircraft were given its power and divergence. The man was acquitted, since no viable attempt to do harm could be proven.
Most other cases don't make it to court even with the new legislation. There typically is a settlement fine of a few 100 euros for people shining lasers at police helicopters like in the video above. If taken to court someone could in theory be jailed, but i don't think that would be likely in the netherlands unless it resulted in an actual accident with bodily harm or loss of life.