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An Apology for Everyone

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WOW EITAN. I never usually go out of my way to register for a forum for negative implications. I registered here to specifically comment about my situation in this section and lo and behold there's a 30+ pager already on the go. This man does not deserve any business. Boo hoo, you can't keep up with orders. BULLSH**. You want an online business or not? you want to make $?

This was his response to me on February 13th, 8 months after ordering. 8 MONTHS. (ordered in june of 2015) I got one laser (green lower power) mid september (which is now burnt out after minimal usage) and was waiting on a higher power blue one, which i paid handily for. The following is my back and forth emails as of February.

Hi ,

It is Eitan , second email here.

Please read and reply to my email.

I truly never meant to hurt you my friend. We had a few packs that went lost.

You can either get a refund now or a new pack via FedEx express. It happened with 10 other packs.

Please reply so we can solve it asap.

Best Regards ,

I said fine I will get a refund. He asked for my paypal email which i Provided. Never got it. Went back and forth for a few months and then no responses. Finally I had enough and went against my morals and sent him this email today, I am very frustrated and never, ever, speak like this online or to anybody.

How's it going. Can I please get a new laser or my money back before I have no choice but to bombard and totally ruin your online vendor reputation. I will do my very best to make sure you never sell a laser online again. It has been a year since I sent you money.

You mentioned you're in isreal if I don't get to you through diminished sales online by the grace of ALLAH I hope the Muslims get you. Give me my fucking money back.

Which promptly responded not even 5 minutes later.

"i am going to report your goverment about you owning lasers. fuck you"

which i responded.

Hey buddy! You're the one who sent them! And guess what it is broken and bulb burnt out it is in the garbage and doesn't fucking work as of 6 months ago!

You respond so quick when under fire yet didn't respond to me for weeks. Karma will work I wonder how many other people you have ripped off. Have a great life.

And then i go and see this thread funny how i said "how many other people you have ripped off".

Bottomline, I will probably never get my money or my second laser judging by this thread, and if the first one was anything to go off of the second one wouldn't have lasted too long anyways.

Really unfortunate, I thought he was a good guy initially giving me a deal on the price and everything. I hope you burn in hell im out 400+ $
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"i am going to report your goverment about you owning lasers. fuck you"

Assuming that this is true, for someone who owned a laser business he certainly lacks knowledge on laser laws.

You CANNOT get in trouble by simply owning a laser of any power, at least in the US.

laserpointersafety.com said:
If a laser is found to be non-compliant, the manufacturer may be required by FDA to take corrective action such as offering a repair, recall or refund. However, it is not legally required for the owner to repair or turn in the laser. Consider a person who has a Toyota that is recalled for safety defects. If the person does not take their car to the dealer for corrective action, they still get to keep their car -- the government cannot confiscate it.
Assuming that this is true, for someone who owned a laser business he certainly lacks knowledge on laser laws.

You CANNOT get in trouble by simply owning a laser of any power, at least in the US.


Blacked out my real name on email. How do I go about filing a dispute it seems a few people have or am i SOL on my 400 and change.
If you paid by credit card, call them and ask, Amex in particular tends to be extremely favorable to buyers. If you paid by paypal, you're probably out of luck, but it's worth a call to them as well.

Blacked out my real name on email. How do I go about filing a dispute it seems a few people have or am i SOL on my 400 and change.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think you're too late to file a claim/dispute with PayPal. :(:( As I.E. said - Credit Card or PayPal, doesn't hurt to ask.
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File anyway, if it denies him the money for even a day then file.

Funny the joke is online now searching the index.

I was going to say something about fate not being without a sense of irony, as his bloodline survived where so many good people perished, but perhaps his parents are not like him, he could be the son of a German milkman.
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Blacked out my real name on email. How do I go about filing a dispute it seems a few people have or am i SOL on my 400 and change.

8 Months is too long to claim the money over paypal. I have the same problem, waited a month too long. He seems to ignore customers, asking for their refund, as soon he get sure he is over 6 month. If he is really stealing our money, we have to go over the court in Israel.

Chances to get the money back might be zero, but we must get sure, that the authorities in Israel are informed about his business.
Paypal just updated their TOS. I laughed when I read this one, "SECTION 13.5 Dispute Resolution

We’re updating the second bullet of Section 13.5 and are now requiring all buyers to wait at least 7 days to escalate a dispute to a claim regardless of the transaction amount.
Paypal just updated their TOS. I laughed when I read this one, "SECTION 13.5 Dispute Resolution

We’re updating the second bullet of Section 13.5 and are now requiring all buyers to wait at least 7 days to escalate a dispute to a claim regardless of the transaction amount.

Wow, the people of LPF managed to get PayPal to update their TOS. Wow :D

I thought that I might as well have my say. I ordered several lasers from Sci Fi lasers and they were ALL good. I even dropped one into a toilet and it still works but one laser lost power not long after it arrived. I sent him a message and he said that he'd replace it. He went quiet... I reminded him. Nothing. No response ever again. I thought that he was a good guy but I don't like being ignored, especially when I have paid for something that doesn't work in the way that it was advertised. So, it seems that he's made quite a mess of things. I'm amazed at the way this has turned out. So........next thing I want to know is, if I wanted to build the sort of laser that Eithan USED to make, how would I go about it? What do I need, as I would love new lasers but my favourite source of these things has made a total screw up of things.
YES.......Just got an message from PayPal that they will transfer the money back to my bank account. Exactly 10 days after I started the claim. Hope all others will also get their money back. (I ordered beginning of november, still within the 180 days period to get your money back from PayPal)
YES.......Just got an message from PayPal that they will transfer the money back to my bank account. Exactly 10 days after I started the claim. Hope all others will also get their money back. (I ordered beginning of november, still within the 180 days period to get your money back from PayPal)

Good to hear! Well looks like Thejoker301 has completely destroyed his business and gotten everyone to hate him in a span of a month. Not only that, but his reputation is going down as fast as a rock. Let this be a good example for anyone else who thinks they can get away taking people's money.

Noone will ever here from joker again, and this forum is better off without him!

Got my money back yesterday. Waited 10 days before escalating, thought it said so in the paypalrules^^. Well, happy to have it back anyway, but I feel my new hobby got stuck on a dead end before it even started. Lasers seme to be either bad quality, very expensive or selfbuilt, which needs a lot of time^^. As a university student i have neither time nore money in abundance^^. Any laser you could recommend which isn't to expensive and yet might be fun to get into the hobby?
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