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FrozenGate by Avery

Advertisement from orbit


New member
Jan 26, 2021
Avant Space has completed testing of a laser array for spacecraft that display ads directly from orbit.
The calculations were confirmed during tests that were carried out in the stratosphere. A future artificial constellation of the brightest satellite star in the night sky, comparable to the brightness of Venus.
At the same time, the developers note that the glow will not interfere with astronomers. Lasers will be switched on only during the flight to focus on megacities so as not to go beyond them.
It seems to be a small miscalculation here. Most people don't look up to the sky.

Just what we need, another sacred space cluttered with ads. When will we learn that there are more important things in life than wealthy corporations showing off.
They could make a deal with government to let it be used as an emergency notification system, that way we the taxpayer get to pay for it and it's expansion just to see constant advertisement.......imagine a constant stream of advertisement in the night sky, how about (((( Don't forget to wear your mask )))) ..... (((( Eat at Joes )))) ..... (((( Get your edible masks at Joes gift shop ))))
I've thought of this kind of thing before. Not while sober, but I've thought about it.

Those displays they do with illuminated drones are kinda cool, but this is just such a bad idea. (n)
They didn't say anything about spending a billion. On the contrary, the release says that the cost of such advertising in terms of reaching people will be lower. But I wanted to share this because it worries me. And without such ideas, there is already a lot of garbage in orbit. 57,000 satellites (small, but 57,000) should be sent into orbit only until 2029. If we add similar ideas to this, the Kessler Syndrome ceases to be a fantasy.
Hpoefully theAvant/Russian efforts will get knocked down by law, outrage, and lack of $$$.
It's an example of so called obtrusive space advertising, what they want to do. Basically, " Space Spam" .
In 1993, the U.S. government scrambled to put rules in place banning obtrusive space ads. Title 51 of the United States Code prohibits “advertising in outer space that is capable of being recognized by a human being on the surface of the Earth,” describing it as “obtrusive.”
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Near Earth space is a scientific research arena, a Communications hub, a GPS utility and a military asset, these are all reasons for our Space Force becoming a branch of the US military, but as developing nations as well as foreign nations want to claim their right to the same space we will need to be able to clean up the resulting mess somehow, Earth lasers are one possible solution for obliterating space debris and/or driving debris out of Earth orbit, I hope our laser develop is ahead of the rest of the world for the foreseeable future, however China may well outpace our research in the years ahead.

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The Chinese can be ahead of everyone and in everything. Because there are many of them and they work a lot.
But as far as I know, there are more plans for using space tugs and other similar systems.
Orbit cleanup is a good initiative anyway.
Hopefully, soon we will see at least one technology in action.
I think I've found something that can get things like that out of orbit. UK Space Company has successfully tested the third stage of its Skylark-L rocket. The third stage is also a space tug.
Its functions are described on the company's website:
- Deploying payloads into different orbits and altitudes;
- Correcting satellite or spacecraft orbit;
- De-orbiting space debris or transferring space debris to disposal orbit;
- Refuelling satellites or spacecraft;
- Transferring payloads into lunar orbit and interplanetary missions.
