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FrozenGate by Avery

Aduino + 445NM LASER !!!!!


Feb 5, 2011
Hello i recenlty bought an arduino uno. I want to connect it to my 1W 445nm laser. Its a xj-140 diode with a NJG-18 driver. How can i connect it to my arduino ??:thinking:

Get a driver with TTL modulation.

Use digitalWrite() quickly to modulate the laser. Apply some logic to make sure you're modulating your driver/laser within specifications.

I was thinking of just turning it on and off !! But what extras will i have with a TTL modulation driver ?? Can these provide 1A ???
A TTL driver is a driver that has 2 wires that when connected the laser is on and disconnected the laser is off. They are good if you plan to pulse the laser fast.
The Arduino will not supply power. The driver will supply your power. The Arduino will provide a signal voltage that will instruct the driver to be either on or off.

The driver will have a separate input for the signal from the Arduino.

So if i understand correct, i will connect the TLL cables to the arduino and the battery to the driver. Wright ?? I will probalby buy a cheap red diode to test the TTL. I will set the TLL cables as outpu tat the aruino right ??? Let me write the code and then post it!
Here is my code:

void setup(){
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT); // SETS PIN 12 AS TTL +

void loop(){
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
digitalWrite(12, LOW);
Yeah that sounds right. I'll take a look at your code once you get it done.

You can find a TTL driver in a lot of places, or you could build one yourself.

EDIT: You'll want to add a second delay.

void setup(){
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT); // SETS PIN 12 AS TTL +

void loop(){
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
digitalWrite(12, LOW);

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Ok i corrected my code !

The TLL cables are two so one is positive and the other negativ-ground !
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