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FrozenGate by Avery

Adjustable Aim Laser

Nov 10, 2010
Are there options for green lasers with an adjustable point of aim? I'd like to attach a green laser to a rifle for aiming, but commercial options are limited to 5mw, and I want it to be as bright as possible for use during daytime (without risking eye damage from looking at the reflected dot. So probably 50mw or so). I'm hoping there's a way to buy or build something like this that's durable enough for the intended purpose.

a 50mW laser can give you some serious and permanent eye damage if you would take a direct hit, thats way too much for that kind of purpose, 10mW or something would be max unless you like to play with your eyes i wouldnt recommend that.
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a 50mW laser can give you some serious and permanent eye damage if you would take a direct hit, thats way too much for that kind of purpose, 10mW or something would be max unless you like to play with your eyes i wouldnt recommend that.

Do you mean to say that 50mW could cause eye damage if reflected back from a matte surface, or only if it was pointed directly at someone? Back reflection is more my concern since safe handling procedures mandate that the business end of a rifle should never be pointed at a person anyway. Range safety requirements would likely also mandate a minimum 14 yards distance from the target.
Only if it's pointed at someone unless you point it at a mirror or something very reflective. Several people have in the past attached more powerful lasers to their rifles but I am not sure what they used, I just remember some threads about this before.

