I agree.
I respect the fact that Rich would like to display his own work in part, (nice sink btw).
But I think we need to realise that there is a reason why we issue perma bans and it doesn't happen lightly.
Feeding the forum with more images/info from a perma banned member actually makes it harder for the mods
because we then have to deal with said ex members potentially trying to come back in another persona.
He's already stated recently (as one of his troll user accounts here) that we should stop mentioning his name on here
else he'll keep coming back to vindicate his name.
We had to ban that account too.
This then leads to another problem, in that, we then find it more difficult to verify new members as we become paranoid
that they may actually be said ex members returning under false pretences once again.
I think we've had enough of this ex member.
If anyone would like to follow his build progress they can try and find it on other forums that he frequents instead (if any, since he's been banned by so many) or on YT.
Exactly- very well said and explained.
Maybe just close this thread before it become more of a train wreck or just delete it entirely to avoid brewing additional trouble and problems unnecessarily. Serves no LPF need or purpose and makes the mods job which is hard enough already harder, as you saod.
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