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A Question Anout BigLasers.com

Michael Varn

New member
Sep 2, 2020
Not to be confused with BigLaserPointers.com.

I was browsing on BigLasers.com, and I stumbled accross something that contradicts an answer to a question I asked on these forums.

They are selling a blue laser called the "Monarch".

The problem I am having is they offer a 7.5 Watt version, as well as the 5 Watt, and lower variants.

I thought it was illegal to buy and sell laser pointers in the USA that are over 5 Watts!

So how can a domestic seller, BigLasers.com sell a 7.5 Watt laser pointer to a buyer in the USA?

What gives?

Or am I misreading the specs?

Please take a look and get back to me.

Sep 20, 2013
It is illegal for a retail outlet in the U.S. to sell any laser pointers above 5 mW, not 5 watts. They are likely not inside the U.S. Otherwise they will get legal problems if they are inside the U.S. Now, some Chinese sellers drop ship from inside the U.S., but they often must change their addresses.
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LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
Actually US manufacturers/sellers can sell handheld lasers ( laser pointers ) over 5mw but they are supposed to have 5 things IINM which are an " on " indicator, a keyed switch, a delayed start, a safety dongle and an aperture shutter.

Now US made/sold lab lasers over 5mw can be sold without those things, so maybe it's a " portable lab laser " they are selling and not a " laser pointer " ?

Michael Varn

New member
Sep 2, 2020
Thanks for the clarification, but the "Monarch" it is NOT a lab laser, it is a laser pointer for consumer and recreational use.

Check it out yourself at BigLasers.com.

I thought 1000 miliwatts = 1Watt
2000 miliwatts = 2Watts

So what is the difference between 5mw and 5 Watts?

Are they the same?

To simplify:

What is the difference between 1MW and 1W?

I now know everything about the color spectrum of laser pointers.

That is measured in nanometers.

The only thing I am having trouble with is the various ways that wattage is described in the technical specifications of any given laser pointer.

Could MW refer to megawatts sometimes?
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May 14, 2011
Really? "So what is the difference between 5mw and 5 Watts? Are they the same?" LOL
Nobody is that stupid except on purpose.
Stop trolling LPF with idiot level moronic "help me" troll posts.

5 milliwatts is 5/1000ths of 1 Watt, not 5 Watts(5000 milliwatts)

"Does FDA have a mandatory limit on the power emitted by laser pointers?
Yes. Laser products promoted for pointing and demonstration purposes are limited to hazard Class IIIa by FDA regulation.
21 CFR 1040.11(b) and 1040.11(c), limit surveying, leveling, and alignment, and demonstration laser products to Class IIIa. This means that pointers are limited to 5 milliwatts output power in the visible wavelength range from 400 to 710 nanometers. There are also limits for any invisible wavelengths and for short pulses. Pointers may not exceed the accessible emission limits of CDRH Class IIIa or IEC1 Class 3R."
From: https://www.fda.gov/radiation-emitt...rtant-information-laser-pointer-manufacturers
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Michael Varn

New member
Sep 2, 2020
Let's look at this another way.

When I see a laser pointer that has a specification of 5mw, I simply have no idea what this means in terms of the classification of this laser 1,2,3,or 4.

I believe that class 4 laser pointers begin at 500mw.

And when you put these measurements in the form of a fraction, 5/1000ths, that is just more confusing because the conversion table from milliwatts to Watts does not involve division when you start with 1000mw.

1000mw and above are at and above 1.

Now if you want to calculate wattage below one watt, that is fractional, and division is required.

1000mw=1w e.t.c.

Can the specification of 5mw for a laser pointer be written in a different way than 5mw?
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Unown (WILD)

Well-known member
Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Sep 4, 2020
Let's look at this another way.

When I see a laser pointer that has a specification of 5mw, I simply have no idea what this means in terms of the classification of this laser 1,2,3,or 4.

I believe that class 4 laser pointers begin at 500mw.

And when you put these measurements in the form of a fraction, 5/1000ths, that is just more confusing because the conversion table from milliwatts to Watts does not involve division when you start with 1000mw.

1000mw and above are at and above 1.

Now if you want to calculate wattage below one watt, that is fractional, and division is required.

1000mw=1w e.t.c.

Can the specification of 5mw for a laser pointer be written in a different way than 5mw?
Are you trolling this forum?

Michael Varn

New member
Sep 2, 2020
No, I am not Trollling this Forum.

When I see what is described as a powerfull laser for sale in the general description, and I see the measurement in Watts to be 5MW, is this a typographical error?

Doesn't the seller mean 5W?
