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FrozenGate by Avery

A little help for a noobie please

Jun 20, 2007
Hi there everyone,

I was looking for somewhere to find out about a green laser I just recieved from an online store,
and found your forum.

I am new to lasers etc, but was very intersted when seeing videos of handheld lasers showing visible beams.
I thought about getting one and did, I researched a bit and I came upon the conclusion that a 50mw 532nm Green Laser would have a clear visible beam. Mine isn't that clear, so I was wondering if the one Ive bought isn't powerful enough, or needs modifications etc. Could someone please give me some advice, thank you


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charlie said:
Hi there everyone,

I was looking for somewhere to find out about a green laser I just recieved from an online store,
and found your forum.

I am new to lasers etc, but was very intersted when seeing videos of handheld lasers showing visible beams.
I thought about getting one and did, I researched a bit and I came upon the conclusion that a 50mw 532nm Green Laser would have a clear visible beam. Mine isn't that clear, so I was wondering if the one Ive bought isn't powerful enough, or needs modifications etc. Could someone please give me some advice, thank you
Your beam should be very visible at night and you may see it a little bit in the daytime. With a true 50mw laser you'll be just in the threshold of popping balloons, you may if your lucky be able to burn things. I'd look at this laser and say it was made by Newish maybe, and is ok to get started with in this addictive hobby ;)

Welcome to the forum Charlie :)
Thanks for your reply timelord,

Can you tell me if I can mod this pointer or tweak it to get a birghter beam or burn things?
I'm not completely sure about those pointers but i can't see why not. SenKat is the man to know this as he's owned or still owns these lasers :)
He's very approachable friendly and helpful too. I'm sure he'll be online soon if he's not already ;)
Ah...I can see that I am becoming way too predictable, huh ? ::) ::) Charlie - can you take a close up pic of the laser against a white background ? If it is truly a New-Wish style laser, then you may only have to supply it with Lithium batteries in order to have the output climb up to where it should be...if you are using hte supplied batteries - stop, open the pointer, and dispose of those batteries immediately ! They are garbage at best, and some may even come unraveled inside the laser, becoming stuck, and cause you no end of heartache trying to remove them !
This is the website where I purchased the laser, it has a bit of info and a selection of up close pictures,

design is the exact same as a newwish or dealExtreme.  Coloring however is different.  I would bargain to say that the thing can be modified if your careful.  However, I do emphasize that you do not tear into it without finding out how to pull it apart first.  Since your new to the laser thing it can be more distructive trying to modify a laser than affective.  If you follow recommendations and suggestions you may be able to modify it no problem and wont' destroy your laser in the process.  

How much did you spend for this laser?

I remember my first attempt at modifying a newwish. It involved a Dremel, Cutoff wheel and pliers. Man did I wish I had read about the circle in the wood thing before I tried to pull it apart. Completely destroyed the barrel and had to put in inside my nerf gun to get it to work. Anyone wanna buy my nerfaser? hehe
Do you think some of that output is IR? And one other thing is many companies take pictures of the beam in fog or use long exposure to make the beam more visible than in real life, but the beam should be visible at night pretty well so try that, but you shouln't be able to see the beam very well during daytime, also try popping a baloon with fresh batteries, I'm pretty sure 50mW can do that.
