I assume you mean when the twister at the end is totally unscrewed & the dot at its biggest & move it near & far until i get the optimum smoke out, leaving the twister at the end, fully open? This is about 5" with me, fully open!
If the laser is a bit cold, its dimmer & the dot stutters between dim & brighter & the centre concentrated dot kinda like splits into 3. I'm wondering if it needs a charge! Or maybe is a sign it needs a charge!
I guess i'm right in thinking that the laser burns the same if focus is all the way out, as opposed to all the way in, just that when all the way in, it will burn at greater distance?
I assume you mean when the twister at the end is totally unscrewed & the dot at its biggest & move it near & far until i get the optimum smoke out, leaving the twister at the end, fully open? This is about 5" with me, fully open!
If the laser is a bit cold, its dimmer & the dot stutters between dim & brighter & the centre concentrated dot kinda like splits into 3. I'm wondering if it needs a charge! Or maybe is a sign it needs a charge!
I guess i'm right in thinking that the laser burns the same if focus is all the way out, as opposed to all the way in, just that when all the way in, it will burn at greater distance?