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Murudai said:Don't worry, I can vouch for LaserRX as a legitimate sellerYou won't have any trouble buying off him
Out of curiosity, HOW can you vouch for him ? Not being nasty - I know OF him from LC, but have never dealt with him personally, so despite what I said previously in this thread, I cannot really endorse him (no offense).
I dealt with a PRESUMABLY honest member of LC a while back - and let me do a "mini-jack" and describe what happened...this was NOT this individual, it was CHARGERMAN. AKA : DALE.
Keep in mind that this is MY side of the story, and I most certainly WILL stick to it.
Dale and I came to an agreement to buy his multi-line Argon off of him. I paid him $400.00 for it, though he wanted $450.00 for it. He "shipped" it to me - and unknown to me at the time, used Parcel post, NON-insured, and shitty packaging.
The box arrived - pretty much looking like someone had played football with it. I was dying - thinking, "Well...at least it's insured !" DOH ! I opened it up - the argon in question is a Cyonics/Uniphase multi-line, and comes in two pieces. Both pieces were there, but wrapped ONCE with thin bubble wrap, and a whole bunch of wadded up newspaper for "padding". Yeah - disappointed is not really the right word for what was going through my mind.
I powered it up - and a FAINT 405nm"ish" HUGE dot was displayed - at a distance of maybe 8 feet, and that was it. I was crushed worse than the box was

So - after messing with it half-heartedly for about two weeks - while keeping in contact with him the whole time - He offered to send me a brand spanking new Photonic disruptor to make up for hte fact that the argon was destroyed. I said, "sure" and he "sent" it. Well - THAT never arrived at my house, and according to him, was never returned there, either. I wave the bullshit flag on him sending it to me in the first place. TOTAL BULLSHIT - flat out, he lied to me.
anyways, to shorten this up a tad bit (too late now, I know) I sent the argon off to Sam Goldwasser - who FIXED IT ! YEAH ! WOOT ! (etc)
So - that was after spending an additional $100.00 in shipping and supplies to pack it properly for the trip from Texas to Pennsylvania.
Dale STILL insisted that he sent off the disruptor, and that the argon worked fine when he sent it.
Sam stated, in his professional judgment (which I am VERY inclined to trust) that there was NO WAY that the argon worked prior to it being sent to me, and that there was no way possible for it to have been as damaged as it was by shipping - regardless of how it was packed. I told Dale that, and he got severely pissed off. I never did tell Dale that the argon was fixed, though.
Now - NEVER during this entire time did I even consider doing a pay-pal dispute, simply because Dale was my FRIEND - or so I thought, until I started adding up all his lies. I was/am really pissed at being taken advantage of like that - and it will never happen again. (EVER.)
The moral of the story is - if you have never done business with someone, then you cannot endorse him legitimately. Not unless you guarantee their performance by inserting your reputation....
So (again, not being nasty to you) HOW can you endorse the person selling these items - have you purchased from him previously ? I am just curious - sorry for the mini-rant