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a complain received by a customer for the newly 520nm green laser pointer

It is most likely a BDR-209 diode. They can run up to 1.1w with a g2 lens. But Sanwu likes to offer better beam quality and longer lifetime.

It wouldn't be a 12x S06J as it isn't safe to run them much higher than 700mW, and the Sanwu is 900mW. I don't know much about the 14x 405's, they may reach ~1W, but the 16x BDR-209's reach that power level more naturally.
I said it's not the S06J!

He said 700mw not 900mw I don't now what podo uses but
There is a BDR 206 as I posted above that is 3.8mm and does 700mw +
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Ah, sorry the 206. :) Again though, these don't get up to that power level. Normally 500mW is standard, but some up-to 700mW, including one of yours that I came across. ;)
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What little information I have on my 405nm challenger other than sanwu's site mentiong a 14x 405nm diode on the product page.
I know this one is running fine so far though and will meter it as soon as my meter makes it to me.

This was the one that died with hardly any run time.
I looked over our system record, it seems your laser is doing over 900mw even with G7(with G2 probably 1W+) , it means the diode is being pushed slightly over its limit and causing its death.

If i have enough money left after I get my yellow as a birthday present to myself, I intend to pick up one of these LaserLands 520nm lasers and *cough* tear into it *cough* review it in detail all the way down to what the driver is set at to stability and general build quality.
My only 520nm laser atm is just a little too much for actually pointing with and as such I need a lower powered one as well.
^(the logic of an addict)^
For craps sake

Ok there was a picture in the op
Comparing my fresh out of the box supposed 5mw 520nm and my broken led'd 200mw.
Theyre just tiny dots on a white sticky note.
Why im complaining is that my "5mw" green is the same brightness as my <1mw broken red.
And im kinda mad because is spent $25 and 25 days of waiting for a laser from what i thought was a good seller.
Keep in mind that the red is BROKEN and a toy pet laser from the dollar store is brighter than both.
Edit: picture in somewhat lit room with a yoyo for comparison although i dont see why the yoyo is relevant
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Knowing it was a broken led'd red would have been nice so we would know what we were looking at. Knowing that, it would seem something is up with the green.

Are the batteries fully charged and decent cells that settle around 4.2 volts off the charger?
Fresh off the charger. For both.
Nuon brand, theyre pretty nice. Doesnt dim out like other cheap batteries.
Also havent been on the forum in a while so signature is WAYY out of date lmao

I will go ahead and say that i really like the host though. Has a cool little glow in the dark green clicky on the back. Im just really dissapointed that the dot is so incredibly dim to the point where i can compare it to a broken red laser and they look the same brightness in person.
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we have nichia 405nm 500mw laser diode. but cannot find the 700mw one. it is really interesting
it is two 3.7vdc li on batteries . but comparing the brightness there is no problem for the output. for the output only a laser power meter can tell the real output. not a comparation between two lasers.
frankly speaking if a pointer is <1mw the price is about double. it is eu standard and if we can control the output to 1mw we can sell it to Eu. simply to say how long the pointer can reach?
1.in your email you said you have compared the green laser pointer of us with the red 200mw one. but it is brighter
2.you said the red one is broken have you tested the output by a power meter? if yes can you send a picture to me
3.it is a 5mw laser pointer how bright you are willing for
As Laserbee said, you need a power meter to confirm the real power output of a laser.

Comparing one laser to another does not work really well, and usually not at all if they are different wavelengths. Something like a 5 mW green might look about as bright as a 200 mW red, if that red is 660-670 nm or so. If it is 635 nm the red will look much brighter despite having no more power output.

Camera's often make a mess of it too, especially when set to the default 'auto white balance' where they just try to figure out how to make a photo out of two monochromatic light sources. Camera's also tend to be much more sensitive to longer wavelengths that human eyes are: 1 mW of 635 light appear MUCH brighter to your eyes than 1 mw of 670 nm light. To a camera the difference could be pretty small.

This does not matter since camera's are generally used to take photos of scenery, people and such, and monochromatic light sources in nature are very rare.

Especially on the edges of the visible spectrum cameras sometimes show things too brighty. They can render borderline invisible wavelengths like 400 nm quite visibly, but also show long wavelengths in odd manners. Take a picture of a bbq with your phone: chances are that the coals appear some odd purple color while they are only dull red to your eyes.
Even though i cant afford an lpm, i can assure you this think probably cant even register on an lpm. I dont know what it will take to prove that this thing is actually broken

How about one of you guys? You people probably have a 5mw green somewhere
Cant you just take a picture of that with an iphone camera and put it next to my little failure?

Just look at this
Its clearly broken and NOT 5mw
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