I got myself a Nichia NDB7875 445nm 9mm,set in a 12mm copper module with 405-G-2 glass lens. It's driven with a X-drive V6 buck set to 1.8A. Powered by 2x Tenergy 18650 3.7v 2600mAh Li-ion with protective PCB. The host is a Sky-Ray SR5. This is my 1st DIY laser,I didn't know the V6 driver needed at least 5v to kick in. Right now,I have 2x18650 taped together and ordered 4 18350 with a charger. I should be able to fit 2x18350 into this small host withouth use of the greatest multitool ever made,tape. The diode is rated 2.5-3W output 2amp max
As it is,it lights up great. Having a fun time burning stuff :shhh: :evil: :eg: and lighting up at night time
. My question would be,is there anything else I can do to make the beams stronger? ex;burning faster,longer range,brighter
What other host can I use with a big heat sink and will fit 3x18650 or 4x18350,since I already ordered those.
I'm a noob and ANY kind of input would be appreciated :thanks:
As it is,it lights up great. Having a fun time burning stuff :shhh: :evil: :eg: and lighting up at night time

What other host can I use with a big heat sink and will fit 3x18650 or 4x18350,since I already ordered those.
I'm a noob and ANY kind of input would be appreciated :thanks: