So I finally tested out the laser to my liking. I used and AW IMR 16340... these are top of the line, $7 a piece before shipping batteries:
I did two tests, and a just a lot of on off/observations. The higher peak was 108mW, the lower 106mW. The laser peaks when first turned on, and then starts to drop off after about 30 seconds at a rate of about 1mW/second, so ideally I suggest keeping to 20 seconds on, 30 seconds off for duty cycle.
It does show some pocket wear, the same as the other one.
The laser will come with a fully charged battery, but not the AW battery, if you want the AW it will be $6 more.
So it's $35 plus shipping, which with Priority and delivery confirmation comes to $42.
Same as with the other laser I'll make sure it gets to you safe and sound, and working, but after that I can't offer any guarantee.
Let me know if you're interested and I'll get it packed up

If you send me payment today or tomorrow I'll get it out to you friday