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FrozenGate by Avery

$9.99 red+blue laser pointer? yeah, right...

Sep 11, 2007
Ok, I'm obviously VERY skeptical of this, but I thought I would toss it out there to see if anyone had already done the legwork to verify this.

I was checking spencer's website after Zarniwoop mentioned the 14.99 lightshow, and what do I find? This: (oops, no link privileges yet)

From the copy: "This Amazing pen features two bright laser pointers which can hit just about anything you aim them at; one red, one blue. A great tool or annoyance for any teacher, this wonder pen is good for both serious work and silly ass fun!"

So of course I'm assuming this is a red laser + blue led and horribly misleading advertisement. But it's intriguing enough to at least go take a look in the store. Of course if anyone has already verified this, you could save me the trip, otherwise I will be reporting back in tonight. :)


Link fixed Timelord

Yes, it's 100% certain to be a blue LED and a red 5mW laser.

I have the keychain version without a pen on it I got from a local Target store for about $2 on closeout. The brand was NEO-GLOW, IIRC.

DPSS blue lasers have just recently dropped to significantly below $1000, and they only put our a measly 1-2mW. Violet/near-UV 400nm-ish diodes from "Blu-Ray" optical disk players might be cheap someday, because they're single-stage direct-inject diodes like the reds are.
Yep, that definitely confirms my suspicions :) I ought to call up their sales and give them a piece of my mind, but somehow I think the only thing that will accomplish is berating an innocent salesperson, I doubt they are too concerned about misleading copy. Still, what a crock.

I'm really curious to see what kind of results everyone gets from Daedal's BluRay GB, but I'm still holding off on purchasing one, as I'm already trying to put aside the money for 3 of Senkat's GB diodes as well as various other gear.

Fun stuff.

Despite the deceptive advertising, I'd still buy one for a few dollars at the local store (sadly I have an Eccerds (sp?) not a walgreens...) but it is sad tehy're being deceptive, however I doubt it's on purpose, it's probably just some foolish marketing agent who doesn't know the diff between an LD and an LED, or may even just be one of those time when words got lsot in translation form chinese.
it's annoying how they avertise it as an Laser, because then all the kids at school say they have a blue, green and red laser all in one, but really they are just LED's and i have to tell em that! ;D
Spencer's is doing a little false advertisement. They sell those at Wal-Mart for $2.88 and the so called blue laser is a blue LED.
no way! a blue laser AND! a red laser for only $10!!! that's right folks, i said only $10!!!! what a bargain!!! too bad, this will probably be true in the future. lasers will be a thing of the past and they'll be using something superior. so superior that I can't even make up a name for it because of how complicated it'll be lol
@ spd2Last: this will be true, from what I understand red alsers became dirt-cheep due to CDs and DVDs which were read/written using them (massive demand) the new BRD (Bluray disks) will use blue diodes, which will shoot the demand sky-high. In 10-20 years dolalr stores will have red/blue lasers for $1

@death angel: where at walmart? I've nto seen them locally, I'm curious and might buy one jsut for s***s and giggles (need a 5mw pointer anyway since my ebayser died)
