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532nm & 445nm Night Shot First Attempts


Nov 23, 2014
Hey all. I took these photos for my classifieds ads, but figured I might post here to share and hopefully get some tips!

This is my first try at photographing my lasers. While I think they turned out okay, they're nothing like some of the amazing shots I've seen on here.

Camera used is a Sony a6000 with Zeiss Touit 1.8 32mm prime lens.

First is 100mW+ Wicked Lasers Evo (532nm) with full power lens. f/4.5, 30sec, ISO320

Next was a 2-2.4W+ Sci-Fi Lasers SF501B (445nm) with beam focused to a point. f/5.6, 30sec, ISO400

Thanks in advance, any pointers would be greatly appreciated. :)
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There are a lot of tricks to getting good pics, half the fun is learning as you go.
Blocking lens flare, light fog that gives a highlighted yet uniform beam without looking murky, beams look best coming and going, side on they can fade easily from end to end, ect...
Mostly always secure your laser and protect your eyes, the rest you will learn as you go. :beer:
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The blues always get me :drool: Awesome job on the photos! Keep it up! +rep
