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FrozenGate by Avery

50mW Yellow....But...

May 13, 2007
yes theres always that "but".... last night i was shining my green 50 mW ebaser (still very happy with it) at a pink woolen blanket hung over a handrail by the stairs and it looked very green and normal till the laser hit the part that was folded on the floor and WOW bright yellow..... and i mean it was bright bright yellow... looked amazing! even my sister admitted it was cool, and then told me to bugger off... but anyway thought id share this with ya.....

I've messed around with fluorescence before too.

There's a pic below along with my avatar. The yellow beams in both pics are from my 100mW fluorescing yellow in a bottle of cologne. The red one in my avatar is from my 200mW red.


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That's very neat... I've had a couple of things that could do that around here too. But what I don't like about it all is that the exiting beam is still green! :o It makes no sense!

Daedal said:
That's very neat... I've had a couple of things that could do that around here too. But what I don't like about it all is that the exiting beam is still green! :o It makes no sense!

Its easy if you think about it. The exit beam is still the same beam as the green laser you used to shine through it . They are the photons that made it through, the same as if you were to pass it through a bottle of any kind of liquid, usually some light will make it through.

However some liquids and Dyes will "Fluoresce". What happens is a molecule of the Dye or liquid will "suck" in a photon of green light from the laser and fire one or more of its electrons into a higher energy state or Orbit. Now this electron (s) do not belong in this excited state and cannot stay there for long, so they jump back down to their original state (or orbit) and release the stored energy as another photon of light, usually a lower frequency and energy (in this case yellow). The exiting green beam is just photons that made it through the liquid without getting sucked in.

If that makes sense. ;)

If I uploaded the full sized picture you'd be able to see particles (lint I think) in the cologne were still green, even while being hit by the yellow beam.
i too have seen that, i have this little timer thing, but it has some blue goo in it. heres a pic of my 30mw through it.wooow my camera takes big pics :o ORANGE!! i wish it would come out like that!!


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