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500mW 638nm High Power red laser diode?!?

Jul 22, 2008
Hello, I have been hearing about the new 638nm red laser diodes and I found a seller that has a 500mW version for $25:

638nm laser | eBay

NEW 500mW 638nm High Power red laser diode good quality | eBay

I plan on using two of them (going to buy six in total) with PBS cubes for use inside two new laser projectors I am building. Anything I need to know about these diodes? Will they produce a good beam for with galvos in a projector? Also, what is the technical name of these diodes so I can seach for the technical specifications. Thanks in advance...

There are a lot of mystery diodes popping up on ebay. No one knows if they are real or really anything about them. Pontiac just got his order in the mail but hasnt tested them yet.
I think i should be the next one to get them. I sure will test them when i get them and send one over to a member ASAP to test on his Equipment.:)

I just dont know how he got them so fast and i ordered a day before him.:thinking: This means mine should be here this week. Iam Hoping they come today.:D


THis is what i ordered.

50mW 638nm.?
120mW 638nm.?
80mW 638nm.?
100mW 638nm.?

OP, You might want to fallow this thread here for updates:
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How do you know that is the DataSheet for this diode.?

The supplier would not give any information out on them other then he extracted them out of something
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How do you know that is the DataSheet for this diode.?

The supplier would not give any information out on them other then he extracted them out of something

Because I am sure there is only one company making 500mW 638's ;)
Because I am sure there is only one company making 500mW 638's ;)

Its a pretty big leap of faith to assume the seller is being 100% honest. You could be right but keep in mind that diodes ranging from 120-500mW and 635-638-650 have all of a sudden flooded ebay. Its unlikely that multiple red diodes suddenly became available. Its more likely that theres a new diode in town and some ebay sellers are lying or do not know its true specs.
Got my 500mW 638nm diode today. It has a weird little lens glued to the tip of the diode. Powered it at 500mA as suggested and the laser was LED'd I never even saw any real light come out of it. Pretty fucking disappointed.
Got my 500mW 638nm diode today. It has a weird little lens glued to the tip of the diode. Powered it at 500mA as suggested and the laser was LED'd I never even saw any real light come out of it. Pretty fucking disappointed.

That sucks. I've been lurking on this thread and got my hopes up too:(
