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445 Group Buy a140 projector! $35 each! Now shipping Diodes!

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I've got a bunch of innards, but all of the LED's are going to a project of mine. I've sold a few other things on requests as well.

I also re-purposed 4 of the fans to cool my argon laser. I must say they move a crap-load of air at .5A each!

If there is anything in particular you are looking for send me a PM, almost everything is available but the LED's

i think i might need another 3-5. to many builds happening so little time but so much fun!
Maybe we can work together?
Possibly, though my current state of paypal-less-ness makes things difficult. I would be willing to organize everything and everyone if you could manage the payment side.
Your a little late but you can still buy diodes from the link in my signature
I wish I would have ordered from you instead of from a couple other guys in here. I suspect they are full of it when they post "in stock, ready to ship"and figure they are probably just ordering from you. :tired: Next time i'll pay the extra 2.50:cryyy:rather than waiting 2+weeks:yabbmad:
I have them in stock but I found limited interest here and am getting higher prices for them on ebay so I've been selling them there. It's easier to keep track of how many to send to who that way as well.
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