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FrozenGate by Avery

3W WL Arctic?

Mar 27, 2013
Sooo I'm thinking of getting my Arctic modded, I was wondering if anyone has any idea how well a 9mm 445nm diode would do inside an Arctic host? Would the SmartSwitch and battery indicator features still work with such a mod? Or would it be easier to just sell/trade it for a 3W 445nm laser? Thanks!

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You cannot just swap out a 5.6mm diode for a 9mm diode.
You would have to rebuild (or at least re-machine) the module
Also, I doubt that the driver can be turned up to carry the additional current needed to reach 3W

It **could** be done with the above linked modification
However, it is an expensive modification AND you would lose the smart switch and battery indicator

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Anything is possible but not that easy as you think.
You need to design your own driver that it could work with smartswich and the battery LEDS plus more output. Noone did that before.
Ok so it looks like downright buying a new 3W laser would be easier... are there any 445nm lasers out there at 3W that work similarly to the Arctic? Notably, 18650('s), multiple power modes, a focusing ring would be nice, and at least a decent duty cycle? A battery level indicator would be icing on the cake :beer: but I don't really expect that option
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There is a really cool search bar a little farther down from this post. Just by entering 3w 18650 I got many results... 3w 9mm 445nm 18650 found even more...
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Search for nztdm. He has a maglite build that has everything you just asked for.

It also has close to unlimited duty cycle...
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