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FrozenGate by Avery

330mW Green Portable

Blue, if you were selling it, I would have no issues - I have not made up any PM's - those are direct from him, that is why I have issues. He lies - and I cannot stand a liar - if he is going to lie about his PM's - what is to stop him from lying about anything else. Time for that little boy to grow up - and I will do anything and everything to prevent him selling anything on this forum, since he WILL cheat someone out of their money.

If you still have some of his PM's can you post a screen shot showing the contents? That would clear up any doubt about the lying part.
If you want me to send some to your email, PM your email addy to me - I have no need to prove myself further against looserterd, or his cronies. I have already replied too many times to his crap - drama like this is what Spectra is for, not this place.
right... and i assume making up PMs because you cant think of why youre arguing with a 17 year old from hawaii is living.
Well if you were mature, then you would talk in a mature manner, not calling a 41 year old a looser who sits at his computer, My dad sits at the computer all day, he makes money that way. Greg does the same.
toked323 said:
Well if you were mature, then you would talk in a mature manner, not calling a 41 year old a looser who sits at his computer, My dad sits at the computer all day, he makes money that way. Greg does the same.

find where i called him a loser who sits at his computer. i have tried NUMEROUS times to try and reason with hiim through PMs, and he replies with a rude comment.

people who post on spectra agree that there is no drama there, besides the occasional post from senkat or high octane or whoever it is. we are laid back there, and we discuss lasers just like this site.

i want someone to buy this laser so that they can get a perfectly fine laser FROM BLUEFUSION that works fine, burns like hell and is of good quality so that i can get some extra money to pay back bluefusion what i owe him, and to prove to senkat that i have never scammed anyone out of a single dollar, and never will.

i have tried to reason with him but his mind is set on hating me and he cant come up with a single reason.

and like i said before, not a single person other than senkat has any reason dislike me, but because senkat is so persuasive on this forum he can tell his lies to anyone and they will believe it.
laserterd said:
find where i called him a loser who sits at his computer. i have tried NUMEROUS times to try and reason with hiim through PMs, and he replies with a rude comment.

Look, I found it buddy:

seems like youre the one whos really pissed off about this. me, i dont really give a shit about you, youre a 40 year old loser who plays on his computer all day, and works at some computer shop. im 17 years old, work at a dive shop and go scuba diving everyday, then go surfing, then come home and laugh with my friends about how you suck at life, and will continue to do nothing but go on the LPF for the rest of your life. GET A LIFE GREG STONER, ARGUING WITH PEOPLE THAT ARE 23 YEARS YOUNGER THAN YOU, AND 20 YEARS MORE MATURE THAN YOU, WHO WILL ALWAYS WIN ANY ARGUMENT BECAUSE I DONT REALLY FUC KING CARE WHAT YOU THINK, I LOOK DOWN ON YOUR PATHETIC LIFE, AND THINK ITS PATHETIC THAT YOU FIND IT FUNNY MAKING UP WORDS TO CALL TEENAGERS, LIKE FUC KTARD.

Fuc k off, loser. Come back and whine about how pathetic your life is when you finally do something interesting instead of playing on your computer, bossing little kids around.

Replying to this PM is cowardly, so just read it, and go cry to your ugly bit ch of a daughter Katherine Stoner.

laserterd said:
and like i said before, not a single person other than senkat has any reason dislike me, but because senkat is so persuasive on this forum he can tell his lies to anyone and they will believe it.

I don't think SenKat would waste his time making up PMs to make someone look bad. And I don't think any good father would ever say crap about her daughter like that.
After this, I don't think anybody is going to buy from you, so honestly, you're just wasting your time dude.

The only way I see for someone to get this laser is to pay Bluefusion directly and have him ship the laser to the person who bought it.
um he made that PM up. i dont see any reason why i would PM that to him in the first place...

and bluefusion is just going to sell it for me cuz hes a good guy and i hope he doesnt believe all this crap that senkat is making up.
Don't go dragging my name into this you POS!

What Greg is stating is true! You cannot be trusted, You have been banned from my site due to your immaturity and threating my Members, Then you think your slick by using a proxy to get back in, Only to copy what I have built to add to the SF. Then you LIE about it when its in black and white!

And further more I do not use a proxy to visit this site or the SF. Nor have I posted anything for quite a LONG time.

You DO need to grow up and watch who you mess with, I have been to the island and may return... >:(

So a second opinion to others: Stay away!! Stay FAR away from this one!
k first off high octane we settle the fact that SF has been around about 6 months more than your forum, and most of the features on it have been on it LONG before your forum ever existed. Secondly, using a proxy on your forum does not work. it gives you some sort of error message. and thirdly what are you going to do, come to hawaii and beat me up? I would love that. i would love seeing the look on your face while you are being talked to by the police and youll say "but he said on this one forum on the internet that i post mean stuff on his forum". that would be hilarious. that would be the best youtube video ever right there.
Sorry to interrupt, what the hell is SF :-X

**Never mind, got it**
Your age is showing assbag!
The look on your face would be priceless as well as the pic of your pee stained shorts ;D

The proxy redirect script was installed due to your sneaking around.
and although the SF was around 6 mo before mine "DUH", the changes that I'm talking about where made shortly before I banned your stupid ass, as well as part of the reason.... REMEMBER NOW!

You have a talent for taking the facts and twisting them around
'LYING" as you prove post after deceiving post

I not going to argue with a retard any longer... You have helped me make my point.
happytomato said:
[quote author=toked323 link=1209446631/15#28 date=1209516130]Highoctane, PLEASE Dont use the R-word(Retard).

Just curious, why?[/quote]

Basically, it was and is a scientific term for a person with a mental or developmental disability. Using it as a derogatory term can be considered quite offensive to people with real, scientific developmental disabilities or those around them, or really anyone who supports the rights of people with disabilities. It's using real diseases and the people who live with them as a put down to someone else. It's disrespectful and insulting to use something that people live with and can't help as an insult towards others.
