well, to be perfectly honest with you, I really need to understand electronics before I do this more. A long time ago my father told me that if I took and passed the Ham operators test and got a license he would buy me a ham radio. He gave me this book with questions and the answers and wanted me to memorize the book. I spent weeks. WEEKS! trying to memorize the answers. I just couldn't do it. I have to understand something before I can retain teh knowledge or information. That and I just don't wanna remember answers.... I've read through how to build Daedals circuit and it makes no sense to me because my basic understanding of electronics is so rudementary. I understand diodes function, resistors function, and capacitors functions but how they interact with each other and how they work has to be understood for me to do something. Yeah, I can solder a resistor in place. who can't. I can add this part or that part. but if I'm going to be suceesful at doing this over and over again I need to have the skills to go back over what I did and troubleshoot what went wrong and then have the skills necessary to come up with my own solution to the problem.
10 years ago I bought my first computer and I didn't understand it. So, I went out bought a book called "BIGELOWS troubleshooting, maintaining and repairing computers. With the cd and all the extra information on it there was a total of 7,000 pages and I read and digested every single page there. Some of it I don't still understand but I'm knowledgable enough to break anyone's computer I touch! LMAO kidding. If anyone who has the electronics knowledge can recommend a book to read to teach me this stuff I would appreciate it.