Fired up the file server, got Chroma installed.
Here's the output for your numbers - very red/blue heavy:
If anyone wants to download a copy I have it on my FTP server.
Address: genis dot ca
(You can enter ftp://[address] in most web browsers as well as windows explorer, no need to download an FTP client).
Port: 21 (default)
User: lpf
Password: pass4lpf
Download "cChroma_pkg.exe" and run that, it'll extract the required files. Once extracted run "MCRInstaller.exe" and then you should be able to run "Chroma.exe".
It won't be the fastest, I set the upload limit to 200KB/s so as not to saturate my upload, the speed ratios here are terrible, Upload/Download is 5/100

Let me know if you have any troubles!