You are getting off the topic here
I have a DIY laser (diode from dvd burner of course) and all sort of lenses, some from burners, some from another lasers,
I focused a small dot on a dark blue electric tape, and a saw the flashes, but im my case there was white AND violet flashes.
You all started screaming 'bout some weird SCI-FI s*it, like, megawatts and all, I mean c'mon it bullshit, there might be some megawatts in that vid, but there are not in our homemade lasers, now are there?
So, what I'm screaming is, I support the plasma theory, and also adding my oppinion(s):
These flashes do not appear in mid air, only when we burnin s*it, because when focus point is in mid air the laser goes right thru it, right?
It appears when the focus point just a little above the material, because the air above material (that is being thermal tortured) is hot, and while the focus point is in that hot air, it makes the air even hotter, therefore makin tiny:
1.1 plasma
1.2 electrick dicarge
1.3 (most probaly) miniature furnace, because particles in air from burned material get in the focal point
2. burned material gets on fire, but for a very shot time, ignited by (I donno how many degrees, measure it
) high temperature in this tiny small dot, more likely making it insta explode (explosion is ultra fast burning process, burning is ultra fast oxidation process), this could also explain why it doesnt happen over black metal and stuff like that
3. I can partially explain this, but I thinks it has something to do with diameter of the dot; if the diametar is exactly as wide as the wavelenght of the light, electrons start hitting eachother in rapid succesion, and big explosion is created (big, well, scaled) supported by the particles released by burning material.
Here that are my thouths, if anybody can further explain this (even better, prove it) please do so.
I'm totaly into this, I love all this misteria c*ap