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FrozenGate by Avery

1MW Blue 445nm for sale :)?

445nm diodes cant output that low of a power. Single mode 445nm diodes can be around 50mW.
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If you were willing to build your own, the osram single mode diodes are capable of producing stable output at as low as 10mw power, i hear.
From where are you. Maybe I can help.
I have an Osram blue diode spare and can build a low power blue laser from it.
From where are you. Maybe I can help.
I have an Osram blue diode spare and can build a low power blue laser from it.

If OP doesn't want to take you up on that, i just might. I would be looking for closer to 50mW's. What host style would you be using?
I don't post this to take away from Blord's offer, but to simply state I have a lower powered Osram build in Jayrob's stainless steel 10440 kit. Mine was built by LPF member Lazeerer, (not lazerer.com). Its around 10-15mW. I love it!
Again, I post this just to state a low powered build is completely possible, and the single mode diode is freakin' sweet!
Maybe you can take it to PMs with Blord and choose your own host and have Blord build it for you to your desired power level. Just a thought.
He wants a 1 watt blue... not a low powered one. At least, that's what I've understood from his posts. :p

But, he also doesn't want the 2 watt ones everyone seems to be selling either. :p
