Just wait till you get a little older and
your back starts aching from digging out
all that snow every time you get stuck.
Meanwhile everyone with a 4WD will be
passing you by pointing out their window
and laughing.
True, but we don't get much snow here, and when we do, not very much.
Though, this last winter, we got a surprising 5-6 inches or so of snow.
We used to live in Washington state where it snowed A LOT.
We had a fwd Volvo wagon and we would mount cables to the tires every year and it got up snowy hills FAST. The funny part was that there would be a bunch of trucks and cars stuck at the bottom of icy hills from time to time and you would see a car or 4x4 just race on up with cables and chains mounted and then laugh at everyone who wasn't prepared.
Down at the beach, no one has ever seen metal cables on a vehicle before so this last time it snowed hard, no one was prepared. We still had our old cable kit and just went right through traffic and we got a lot of stares.
I might just keep a snow kit in the car if I do buy one.
But yes, 4x4s can get though thick snow slightly better than the typical car, but they suck just as bad when braking. Actually they are worse.
They are bigger (more momentum) and usually have wider wheels which tends to slide faster on ice or thick snow (unless you have spikes or chains)
You do have a good point though, cars do tend to get stuck in really deep snow on rough terrain due to smaller wheels and small ground clearance. But I won't be going offloading any time soon