I've been looking for a HeCd for a while. Yet I'm not going to be going for either of these and here's why.
I've already ended up with three boxes of glass shards and cadmium.
Pretty much NOBODY on eBay knows how to pack these things (or cares to.) Even if the $69+shipping heads work fine where they are, the chances that they will still work when they arrive at your door are pretty much zero. (Though I don't even know about this - because in the picture of the listing you can CLEARLY see the ShockWatch sticker is tripped. Not a good sign.)
As for the one that's shown lasing: it's in Mexico. Unless you're also in Mexico, I'd forget about that one, too.
These are more fragile than ArIons, more fragile than HeNes. (And I've got a pile of dead soldiers of both. Anyone want them?)
I'm just a *little* bit tired of both the way ebay sellers tend to pack things (1m long HeNe head jammed diagonally corner-to-corner in a cardboard box with no packing materials? 8 HeNe heads in an eagerly taped shoebox with two pieces of printer paper balled up for packing materials? Come on. And yeah I've had both of these happen.) Not to mention the gorilla tendencies that the shipping companies tend to have.
The only way I'd buy a HeCd at this point is from a well respected LPF or PL member, and if I had the opportunity I'd drive or fly out to pick it up myself. Sorry to seem negative on these finds, I just don't want to see anyone else get burned the same way I have. HeCd heads are just too damn fragile to survive the common "chuck it in a box and get paid" eBay sellers' shipping.