I Bought two 50 mW 532s from Fukitallprice.(ONLY $14.50 EACH) the switch in one failed first use- the other later them same day- so I pulled the 11.9mm modules and used copper shims and thermal compound to get a good fit in a host meant for the AixiZ 12mm module. The shims came from inside an old radio antenna- they are what keeps the antenna from coming apart- there is a pair progressivly smaller ones inside each section- they are already nicely curved just wipe off any grease they have on them- add your thrermal compound and slide them in. quick and dirty. push the antenna sections inside out(backwards) to get to the shims.
Also I wanted to put an AixiZ module inside the old hosts( w/ a better switch) so rather than make the AixiZ smaller I, instead, wrapped a few inches od emory 1 inch cloth aroung a drill bit using a piece of masking tape and enough wraps to just squeeze into the host- ran my drill and kept checking until the host finally fit the larger module. You make need to change the emory cloth until you get 12 mm. The powdered Al. dust is pretty messy so I did this outside. Not rocket surgury or brain science but it worked.
hope this helped-- if so plz donate to LPF--thanks Hak