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FrozenGate by Avery

100 - 150 mw laser under 30-40$?


Apr 1, 2015
I know it's a bit of a strech, but do are there any (decent) lasers for this amount? I don't have much and I'd like to spend the rest on a pair of 25rs and a Nitecore I2 charger

It looks like you've done an ok job filling out, don't worry. Yeah, $30-$40 is quite a stretch. Usually, the price of a green laser is somewhere around $1/mW. A way you can get around this, although I highly don't recommend, is with a cheap eBay laser from China, but it will likely be underspec anyway, and might have tons of infrared light (IR light is just as dangerous as normal light, except it's not visible so you don't know if it's damaging you at the moment, and it's often not blocked by safety goggles). A place that I can think of where you can get as close to your target is at SkyLasers, or LaserBTB, here. You'll have to save up more money, but good on you for saving the rest for goggles. Do not cheap out on those! Good luck :)
It looks like you've done an ok job filling out, don't worry. Yeah, $30-$40 is quite a stretch. Usually, the price of a green laser is somewhere around $1/mW. A way you can get around this, although I highly don't recommend, is with a cheap eBay laser from China, but it will likely be underspec anyway, and might have tons of infrared light (IR light is just as dangerous as normal light, except it's not visible so you don't know if it's damaging you at the moment, and it's often not blocked by safety goggles). A place that I can think of where you can get as close to your target is at SkyLasers, or LaserBTB, here. You'll have to save up more money, but good on you for saving the rest for goggles. Do not cheap out on those! Good luck :)

Are the skylasers durable?

I'm new to lasers in general, I've only had the cheap keychain laser pointers before, so I don't know the different kinds, I just read that the beam with DDPS is unstable at colder temperatures, does this apply to all kinds?

What lasers would you recommend, if I had a budget of about 150-200$ at 150 mws or more?
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I'm new to lasers in general, I've only had the cheap keychain laser pointers before, so I don't know the different kinds, I just read that the beam with DDPS is unstable at colder temperatures, does this apply to all kinds?

That's true, all DPSS lasers suffer from this, since they are way more complicated than direct diode ones.

LaserBTB/Skylasers is a good start, but Sci-Fi lasers are well recommended too.

About it being durable, almost all the reviews I saw said that are quality products. There's a plenty of reviews from LaserBTB/Skylasers products.

At Sci-Fi lasers you can find a 200mW 520nm at $159,00, the 100mW are $119,00.
At LaserBTB you can find 150mW 532nm at $113,00 and 200mW at $131,00.

520nm are direct diode, so they are stable, and 532nm are DPSS.
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Yes, you can find them with the white search bar at the bottom of the page. Sci-Fi lasers is high quality and cheap, but maybe not a massive selection of lasers in the power range you're looking for. All in all, LaserBTB/SkyLasers and SciFi Lasers.
Yes, you can find them with the white search bar at the bottom of the page. Sci-Fi lasers is high quality and cheap, but maybe not a massive selection of lasers in the power range you're looking for. All in all, LaserBTB/SkyLasers and SciFi Lasers.

That's true, all DPSS lasers suffer from this, since they are way more complicated than direct diode ones.

LaserBTB/Skylasers is a good start, but Sci-Fi lasers are well recommended too.

About it being durable, almost all the reviews I saw said that are quality products. There's a plenty of reviews from LaserBTB/Skylasers products.

At Sci-Fi lasers you can find a 200mW 520nm at $159,00, the 100mW are $119,00.
At LaserBTB you can find 150mW 532nm at $113,00 and 200mW at $131,00.

520nm are direct diode, so they are stable, and 532nm are DPSS.

I'll save up for the Sci Fi lasers 200 Mw version. As for batteries, does it accept 18650s? And would Samsung 25rs be a good choice?, rated for 20 amps continous and 2400 mah IIRC.

And if I possible a 20-30 mw laser that I can build myself, also going to need help on this. Is it hard? What would I need?
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I don't think it will operate on that low a voltage, I would stick to the 2x 16340 they tell you. And for that build it yourself laser, I actually don't know where to get a diode at that low a power, the best I can think of would be here, at DTRs laser shop. To get them at that low, you might have to email Jordan (DTR) to set the driver attached to lower than normal. You can get a no-diode host bundle here, at Survival Laser. There will be some other things you need to specify, PM me aboot it if you choose to go that route :)
I don't think it will operate on that low a voltage, I would stick to the 2x 16340 they tell you. And for that build it yourself laser, I actually don't know where to get a diode at that low a power, the best I can think of would be here, at DTRs laser shop. To get them at that low, you might have to email Jordan (DTR) to set the driver attached to lower than normal. You can get a no-diode host bundle here, at Survival Laser. There will be some other things you need to specify, PM me aboot it if you choose to go that route :)

Damn, didn't realize how expensive this was going to get, I'll stick with a cheap 5 mw laser and the 200 mw laser.
Haha yep, that's this hobby for you. Like I've heard, often the only limit to lasers is the depth of your pockets!
Good choice with the Sci-Fi laser, is a shop from a member of LPF, so you will help our community too. :yh:

Haha yep, that's this hobby for you. Like I've heard, often the only limit to lasers is the depth of your pockets

Agree! Sometimes buy the parts becomes more expensive than the thing assembled, even with the 301 ones!
Hey wow, unexpected thanks alessnilsen! That 301 link actually helped, I didn't know you could buy those empty hosts like that. Ty!
I would recommend laserbtb.com personally

But the world of lasers and cars are pretty similar... the wallet always gets lighter :p
