blackbird1676, I would love to spoonfeed you but it seems you are not interested in the help given. Morgan has all the information you could possibly need to start your first build and you should start there. Just so you know.... 100mw of green is like looking into the sun..... "literally!". There is not much i can tell you other than doing your homework and making sure you have the proper safety gear. 40$ will get you a nice pair of googles which you will need in this hobby if you "ever" want 1W of anything. I suggest getting a laser from rayfoss as you get a pair of glasses with your purchase. 60$ just isnt much to start building high powered lasers without goggles unless you want to go blind (I assume you dont!). You will most likely go blind or end up with irreversible damage to your eyes if you start in the high powered range with out goggles.
Choose wisely my friend. Once you understand how dangerous lasers can be i will gladly spoon feed you. Untill then i dont suggest any type of laser above 50mw.