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1 watt laser, ADVICE ASAP! (Eye damage?)

Dec 13, 2016
Hello Guys,

I have a pair of Eagle protective goggles for 445 nm and a 1 Watt blue laser.
Was testing it in the kitchen, pointing at a white wall, wearing a white t-shirt.

(SEE IMAGE) Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
My nose is kind of big lol, so the "gap" between my cheeks and my glasses are quite big, maybe 0.5 cm instead of a milimeter.

So when I use the laser I can see the room & my t-shirt turning blue in my pheripeal vision, but it's not so bright that I need to blink by reflex or anything. It's more like I could "sense" the room becoming blue.

My question is: Is this light dangerous for my eyes?
I can't be the first one this "happens" to.

This happened 1 hour ago.

I have no "spots" "dark spots" or pain/visual impairment yet..
Would I see the damage directly if there was any?
Hello Guys,

I have a pair of Eagle protective goggles for 445 nm and a 1 Watt blue laser.
Was testing it in the kitchen, pointing at a white wall, wearing a white t-shirt.

(SEE IMAGE) Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
My nose is kind of big lol, so the "gap" between my cheeks and my glasses are quite big, maybe 0.5 cm instead of a milimeter.

So when I use the laser I can see the room & my t-shirt turning blue in my pheripeal vision, but it's not so bright that I need to blink by reflex or anything. It's more like I could "sense" the room becoming blue.

My question is: Is this light dangerous for my eyes?
I can't be the first one this "happens" to.

I'm no doctor but I've seen the dot from my higher powered lasers plenty of times. It isn't healthy for your eyes but as long as you don't stare at it for a while it shouldn't do permanent damage. I'd avoid it if at all possible.

Other members will chime in as they have more info than I.
I'm no doctor but I've seen the dot from my higher powered lasers plenty of times. It isn't healthy for your eyes but as long as you don't stare at it for a while it shouldn't do permanent damage. I'd avoid it if at all possible.

Other members will chime in as they have more info than I.

Thank you for answer.
I ment the reflections of the dot, bumping around in my kitchen.
And probably hitting my eye between the gap. (See the picture).

The dot itself I see through the glasses, it's not bright either since the goggles are sufficient to protect me.

I'm more worried about this gap between the glasses and my cheeks.
Thank you for answer.
I ment the reflections of the dot, bumping around in my kitchen.
And probably hitting my eye between the gap. (See the picture).

The dot itself I see through the glasses, it's not bright either since the goggles are sufficient to protect me.

I'm more worried about this gap between the glasses and my cheeks.

oh woops. Hmmmmm... If you are worried I would look into getting a pair of goggles instead of glasses. Those will give greater coverage around your face and will provide greater protection. If you still want to stick with the glasses just make sure to avoid pointing at all reflection surfaces. I'd really recommend goggles though if you are truly concerned and the gap is fairly large.
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Im kind of worried since I'm a noob and I know my laser is VERY powerful.

I even put the glasses on before I put the batteries inside, I treat it just like a loaded gun (which I own also).

But my question is. Do you think im okay?
I have no dark spots or what so ever, but still, would I see the damage right away or does it take some time for it to happen?
No glare/flash or what so ever, just a dim blue "light" in pheripheal vision I could sense.
But im thinking about the power , 1 watt. Maybe it could be dangerous anyway?
I wouldn't know about laser light damage as I've never had it happen to me. I do weld quite a bit and I have had weld flash a few times. I don't think it will do much if it isn't a direct hit and it wasn't for a prolonged time. I've seen the dot of my higher powers and it's kinda like looking at a light bulb. It should go away after a bit but if it does not then I'd recommend seeing a doctor. I've read that laser damage leaves a reddish kinda hue in the eye before but I have no personal experience with it myself.
No glare/flash or what so ever, just a dim blue "light" in pheripheal vision I could sense.
But im thinking about the power , 1 watt. Maybe it could be dangerous anyway?

You're fine. That small amount of light leaking through the side of the goggles is nothing. You'd need stupid amounts of power for it to become dangerous.
If there is no afterimage, there should not be any damage. (Even with afterimage up to certain level there is no damage as it is normal reaction of retina cells - like from camera flash.) However keep on mind blue light hazard, which is cumulative during your life and might cause your eyes to deteriorate faster than normal ageing. If you feel uncomfortable with your eye protection you can get goggles fitting better. I have this frame type: http://laser.univet.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/559_laser_copertina-1920x1020.jpg and I'm happy with them. However there is need of correct filter selection for wavelength, power and laser operation mode (when I was ordering them I wrote my requirements and they suggested some options for me). These are quite expensive, but certified and high quality. Maybe someone else has a better suggestion. I decided for these just because of the same reason why you are worried.
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Why do I think everyone new with such posts is usually someone playing with us? Too damn suspicious! We get this kind of post once or twice a year, it can happen. Anyway, if you had damage you would know it by now.
Haha hello guys,

No problems with the eyes here!
But I will probably buy better fitting glasses anyway.
