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FrozenGate by Avery

1 Watt Blue Laser

where did you buy this from? it looks to me like you bought a cheapo ebay laser LOL sorry for your loss mate, id ask for a refund
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thanks knew i should of got advice before i wasted my money

in the words of a wise man on the forums here, "if you can't afford to get ripped-off a few times, this isn't the hobby for you"
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thanks knew i should of got advice before i wasted my money
If you paid that $70 you didn't do too bad. Yes they are cheap China made but used proper and hoping you got a good one off the line they can last and give you some fun.
It kills me when someone pays the outrages $300 for them but also when a member taunts another new member for their loss.
You know now to do your homework as we all learn from mistakes:)
This laser still might be fixed, hoping you didn't start digging into it to much:(
If the spring is just bent and the insides of the battery tube is insulated there's a chance it didn't short out, try straighten it.
It will cost you more than its worth to send it back for a refund plus it will fun learning.
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Usually there are hidden threads on these and you may be able to remove the heatsink with driver and bend the spring back. Look for tight hidden threads.
in the words of a wise man on the forums here, "if you can't afford to get ripped-off a few times, this isn't the hobby for you"

Lol I remember that, who was the one who said it though?

That sucks OP, I used to have this laser as my first class IV and I liked it. It's one of the only Chinese laser hosts that I actually like. You should check to see if that spring is shorting out the whole thing, from the looks of it that could be it but the picture doesn't have that much detail. I think that host comes apart relatively easy, too.
Lol I remember that, who was the one who said it though?

It was DTR and he is so right. I was ripped off by wicked lasers who claimed they sent me a 350mW red laser about 8 years ago and it was a piece of crap. It took over three months to get here, it showed up with scratches on it, and it was severely underpowered. Also the button for it fell off and was rendered useless after a few days of use. I've spent thousands on lasers since then and not a single dime has gone to WL. But back to my point, you WILL get ripped off if you get into this hobby. A good place to safely start without getting ripped off is with about $250 to get a high powered blue with some goggles from laserbtb. After that you should start building lasers with parts from DTR and survivallasersusa
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It was DTR and he is so right. I was ripped off by wicked lasers who claimed they sent me a 350mW red laser about 8 years ago and it was a piece of crap. It took over three months to get here, it showed up with scratches on it, and it was severely underpowered. Also the button for it fell off and was rendered useless after a few days of use. I've spent thousands on lasers since then and not a single dime has gone to WL. But back to my point, you WILL get ripped off if you get into this hobby. A good place to safely start without getting ripped off is with about $250 to get a high powered blue with some goggles from laserbtb. After that you should start building lasers with parts from DTR and survivallasersusa

Well, i have learnt from my mistakes now and i wanted to find a forum with people who knew a lot about lasers and that certainly is this forum. I'm sure every user has gone through it before where they get ripped off with an underpowered laser or it just breaks on them rather quick. Now being on this forum i have learnt alot and gone and bought my self a $270 2Watt 445nm from jetlasers :)
Just wanted to say you could've gotten three watts from sanwu and some $60 glasses from SL.
Well, i have learnt from my mistakes now and i wanted to find a forum with people who knew a lot about lasers and that certainly is this forum. I'm sure every user has gone through it before where they get ripped off with an underpowered laser or it just breaks on them rather quick. Now being on this forum i have learnt alot and gone and bought my self a $270 2Watt 445nm from jetlasers :)

Be sure to show us some pics of you using it and maybe some burn vids!
