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  1. Gamefreak3333

    Ti-B 132mw Review!

    Just sent you an Email Hak just wanted to post in the forum to tell everyone how helpful and understanding you have been. I only fear someone reads my review and thinks negatively on the predicament. I will shoot gray a message later tonight, after hearing about how your back was bothering...
  2. Gamefreak3333

    Will be back home on sunday 7-28-2013 sorry for delay on message responding internet is really...

    Will be back home on sunday 7-28-2013 sorry for delay on message responding internet is really dodgy here, hopefully this is sent
  3. Gamefreak3333

    Ti-B 132mw Review!

    Thanks Encap, I think that's the best option to do as well, I only fear what it costs and time it takes to ship something to china. I will shoot him an email asap! Thanks again
  4. Gamefreak3333

    Ti-B 132mw Review!

    Hmmm, maybe I just have a tendency to think big but this seems very easy to do, find a cheap little totem pole, drill some holes, cut some piece and boom lots of glue and tape and you have a laser! You should have seen the first laser I made, I will see if i can still find that picture...
  5. Gamefreak3333

    Ti-B 132mw Review!

    Thanks wanaburnstuff! Definitely fun to take pictures of these lasers, its tricky at first but the effort is so worth the outcome! Wow 250mw! That is impressive, I dunno what id do with that much power, Im ok with my <150mw. But truth be told, I honestly wish I just kept the first one I...
  6. Gamefreak3333

    Ti-B 132mw Review!

    Well, thats the reason I went to jetlasers, to get one of those fancy Titanium hosts :P And its true, it seems to hold a class in its own when you hold it. Till you know.. turn it on and change the focus. Ive seen some of the custom hosts on this site, its a new art form! Some great things...
  7. Gamefreak3333

    Ti-B 132mw Review!

    Thanks hak for the +rep! Thats good idea with the shiny lens cavity, didnt even think about that being a possibility. Hopefully you have a quick recovery with your back! Must be from all those ladies in bikinis you were picking up! haha EpicHam, that does sound epic a swarski/glass host I...
  8. Gamefreak3333

    Ti-B 132mw Review!

    Thanks again Bowtie! Yea I was a little disappointed with the output and quality in regards to the dot, was quite a bummer after reading what awesome things I heard about Jetlasers. But Hak has been trying to keep me happy, In no way am I upset with the work he has been doing, I dont know how...
  9. Gamefreak3333

    Gram a SBA Lasers Custom Build

    That was an awesome video with that dragon! My reactions were as followed *clicks play* O cool a dragon origami I wonder what the lasers gonna do... *Bursts into flames* Whoa what the WHAT *replays 2 more times* Genius Cheers and grats on the new laser!:beer:
  10. Gamefreak3333

    Ti-B 132mw Review!

    Greetings LPF! Welcome to my first review! Today I will be reviewing the Ti-B 532nm from Jetlasers. Now this is the 2nd one I have had my hands on, unfortunately I had to send the first one back due to a slight defect in the lens cavity. Unfortunately doing a replacement didn't seem to help...
  11. Gamefreak3333

    Win a WL Spyder Arctic 1W!

    Hey good luck! Sent a like! Facebook name Corey Thomas
  12. Gamefreak3333

    Weird Spots

    Lets have a moment in silence for the little guy :(, may he heal nicely or find a home that can respect his flaws and learn to love him.
  13. Gamefreak3333

    GB#1st of PL-E Pro Lasers and PL-E 2.0/3.0 Clearance - May 2013

    No worries :friend:, no offense taken. Just sent you a pm looking forward to hearing from you
  14. Gamefreak3333

    GB#1st of PL-E Pro Lasers and PL-E 2.0/3.0 Clearance - May 2013

    Re: GB#1st of PL-E Pro Lasers and PL-E 2.0/3.0 Clearance - May 2013 I am extremely "picky" and have a lot of OCD, however before we go shooting me in the foot, I am also very understanding and I am aware nothings perfect. My belief was that there was some defect or dust inside the cavity of...
  15. Gamefreak3333

    Weird Spots

    I Did take this into consideration but those light dots still appeared after a full motion of dancing with extra butt wiggle :D Possible, but extremely unlikely. For the reason those dots were still there without viewing it in the camera. And was visible for other people as well, without the...
  16. Gamefreak3333

    GB#1st of PL-E Pro Lasers and PL-E 2.0/3.0 Clearance - May 2013

    Re: GB#1st of PL-E Pro Lasers and PL-E 2.0/3.0 Clearance - May 2013 Boy that owner must be crazy..... :thinking:
  17. Gamefreak3333

    Weird Spots

    Thats what I thought too, but I am very good with my hands and have worked on things of that nature. Only reason I thought about it is because it seems to just be that front lens and who knows maybe a little dust just got on the backside of the lens causing it to do that. Which would be easy to...
  18. Gamefreak3333

    Weird Spots

    Thanks for the help guys, just shot a message to Hak. He is the one who helped me purchase and buy it, so hopefully he can point me into the direction of fixing it. Its sure a beautiful laser shame to have a tiny defect just ruin the hole thing.
  19. Gamefreak3333

    Weird Spots

    Its a 150mw Ti-B. Now since its only showing when I tighten or loosen the focus lens should it be easy to fix on my own? Or should I contact Jetlasers and see if I can get a replacement. Unfortunately I can only get to one side of the lens to clean. However Ive taken every step to carefully...
  20. Gamefreak3333

    Weird Spots

    Hey, I recently purchased this laser a week ago. and i started to notice when using the focus these weird "spots" would show up. I searched everywhere on this forum I apologize if i missed the answer I was looking for. I tried cleaning the lens a hundred times but no matter what these "spots"...
