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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Leodahsan

    New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode (NDG7475T)

    Re: New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode Any news on this? I mean, the 520nm diodes? :beer:
  2. Leodahsan

    A look at the Laserglow Sol!

    Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol IIRC There are sources on lpf how to measure divergence using an online calc... All you need is a ruler and a way to measure longer distances (~16ft) Search lpf you'd like to learn and try it. It will turn out to divergence in mRad. :beer:
  3. Leodahsan

    Merry Christmas

    Now thats what I call a *VERY* merry christmas... :bowdown: :crackup:
  4. Leodahsan

    A look at the Laserglow Sol!

    Re: Mini Review of Laserglow Sol @kilter Its a great laser you got uh. Being an eye safe green, makes it kinda rare and cool to own... @cyparagon Dont be so harsh on kilter, cyp. I understand he's very happy with it, so he wants to show it... not measure every mA @ tailcap and divergence...
  5. Leodahsan

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas LPF... All members :thanks: :wave:
  6. Leodahsan

    Cheap ebay 532nm laser pen IR leakage

    Get an IR filter, glue it inside, and you will have a real <5mW green laser pen, which is hard to find for cheap.
  7. Leodahsan

    3.1W 9mm 445 fan cooled handheld

    Maybe the emitter runs hotter (because of the die submount, diode base and the heatsink itself :P), so the wavelength drifts to higher values.
  8. Leodahsan

    Did my power controll switch killed my LD?

    If your switch is double poled (like the common 110-220v switches, called "chave H-H" in portuguese), you can even insert a "medium power" setting (add one more resistor). For the cap parallel to the LD, I always use a 100nF one, soldered close to the LD pins... :beer:
  9. Leodahsan

    New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode (NDG7475T)

    Re: New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode You mean't Retina desintegrator :crackup: :beer:
  10. Leodahsan

    New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode (NDG7475T)

    Re: New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode @andyf97 Not really. That only means that the same company (nichia) manufactures both diodes... @ixfd64 Sure they are. Look the big divergence... :beer:
  11. Leodahsan

    New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode (NDG7475T)

    Re: New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode Thats divergence in degrees (º). The green diode is 11º parallel divergence and 46º perpendicular divergence. :beer:
  12. Leodahsan

    GB: 1W 520nm diode information/giveaway

    I just sent techhood another request on the full datasheet. I asked about a price drop (he did it before), lets see what happens.... ;) $1K seems pretty harsh atm
  13. Leodahsan

    CNC laser engraver - its almost time

    Re: CNC laser engraver - project approved I'm taking some important decisions on this and I'd like to share here. I'll be working with my teammate only. The college will not be involved anymore (they would source the parts, but they would keep the project :tsk:). The router should be no...
  14. Leodahsan

    Advice for a DIY 532nm pointer build.

    Hey hello The 532nm color you want isnt diode based. Its obtained by DPSS system. So you cant buy 532nm diodes, only modules. Modules have all the internals needed for 532nm light generation. for a handheld green, id suggest you to choose another color, specially if this is your first DIY...
  15. Leodahsan

    New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode (NDG7475T)

    Re: New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode If you do some calculations, you'll see that the efficiency has tripled compared to the PL520s. So probably it affected voltage drops too... :beer: Its an engineering sample. Maybe thats why it has so many "lines". Its not optimized yet, even lifetime is...
  16. Leodahsan

    GB: 1W 520nm diode information/giveaway

    beam divergence is 11ºx46º. For reference, the 9mm 445nm are 14ºx44º. Yesterday, there was 10 available. They are going fast... (and the price was raised ;) its $1K now)
  17. Leodahsan

    New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode (NDG7475T)

    Re: New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode I asked Robinson (techhood) about the diode datasheet and he said he will email it to me (full version)... Oh right. offtopic: Hmm who cares about 1W of green anyways. heres the 1W 473nm diode. :beer: edit: 12ºx48º, worst divergence ever
  18. Leodahsan

    New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode (NDG7475T)

    Re: New Nichia 9mm 1W 520nm diode according to this, it should be 6.23 times stronger than a 3W 450nm laser. Or 2.33 times stronger than a 5W 660nm laser. Hmm. I'm wondering whats the divergence. And what power we could push them at. Damnit, its rated at 1W and its 6 times stronger than a 3W...
  19. Leodahsan

    LD died

    Carbon resistor. 1/4 watt ones.
  20. Leodahsan

    LD died

    Direct driving will only kill the diode if you source enough voltage, so a high If will flow when the diode is hot and bang :) If you direct drive a a140 on a li-ion, it will barely output 500mW. I mean that, if you short the LD during operation, and it does not have the appropriate capacitor...
